The Move | Teen Ink

The Move

September 19, 2008
By Anonymous

I lived in Colorado with my mom, 2 brothers, 2 sisters. We lived in a 4 bed room house, about 900 sq ft. My sister and I had to share a room, My brothers had to share a room. My second oldest sister had her own room. And my mom had her own room. We had one bathroom and one that wasn’t finished. The parts that I didn’t like about the house was the backyard and the down stairs. The backyard’s grass was all dead and brown, the problem with the downstairs was there were holes in the walls. The ceiling had the panels missing. And no carpet in the family room or the laundry room. My mom was so embarrassed when people came over because of the size of the house and the condition that it was in.

My mom was looking for a new job, and found one in Idaho Falls working as the director of clinical services in an assisted living place. I was a little mad that we were moving because I would miss my friends, but I knew it would be better for us, my mom would make more money. So we moved to Idaho Falls. I didn’t like living there because the people were rude. They crowd in line at Wal-Mart. the children were disrespectful. They would talk back at the teachers. We lived in an apartment, it was so gross. There were holes in the walls spider webs everywhere. The walls were so thin we could hear our Nabors across the hall! We lived there for about one year.

My mom didn’t like her job so she spent about a month looking for a new job. She later found one in Boise. Where she would help start and run the hospice. Later we were looking at houses with a realtor we had 4 different realtors, they each showed us different houses, some didn’t have basements my mom said “We need a basement” they also were a waste of space. My mom asked me “Do you like the house?” They all showed us one of the same houses. It was the right size, had a basement, good size yard, pretty. Since they all showed us that house my mom had a feeling that she should put an offer on the house. She bought it 3 weeks after she put the offer on it she bought it. It needed a little bit of work done to it like new doors because they were brown, it needed to be painted the whole house was painted cream yellow, it needed to have grass grown in the back yard, and it needed A LOT of weeds pulled. My mom loved it just the way it is!

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