The Little Red Firework | Teen Ink

The Little Red Firework

September 24, 2008
By Anonymous

The shadows lingered in the school halls. The only light is shining from wired windows of occupied classrooms. The snow outside the doors at one end is blaring in contrast to the dullness of the halls. The pale, red, bricked walls are coated with shiny tarnish that doesn’t even sparkle in most places. It looked spooky and dead.
We stared into the hall with questioning expressions. We aren’t confused at all but in search of a small tool.
“It was only going to be used to set off a firework.” I thought to myself.
We began walking when we herd someone at the other end. We went no further than 3 yards when 2 seniors walked out of a classroom at the end of the hall. Max turns to me and says,
“Dude. Lets ask these guys.” The seniors were talking among themselves as we approached. We had nearly walked passed them when Max stops them and asks them straight up.
“Do you have a lighter?” the seniors paused and looked at each other. Simultaneously they answered with another question.

“What do you want it for?”
“Well all we want is to set off this firework.” Max shows them the firework and they laugh.
“You should put it in the toilet kid!” said the senior. Max shrugged and started towards the transparent doors that look all so inviting all of a sudden.
“Aw! Come on! ” Max stopped and shook his head sullenly. I backed him up with a short compromise.
“I’ll do it…” I said as I reached out and took the lighter and the firework.
I walked into the bathroom feeling no emotions. Not even my conscience had a protest. I strolled right into the first stall I came to and raised the firework up to introduce Mrs. Flame to Mr. Fuse. One second passed. Then another. 3, and it was lit. Sparks flew and the smoke drifted off to the left. I extended my arm and dropped my fate into the toilet. I didn’t even glance at the bubbling water. I just swiftly turned on my heels and walked out with a chill James Bond aura about me. I took 3 steps out of the bathroom when I herd a deep thud sound emanating through the walls. But as if that wasn’t enough I proceeded to hear the sudden sound of pottery being shattered. I felt a rush of awareness tare through me and out my feet into the floor. I burst into laughter as I skipped a step and ran down the hall to catch up with my deserting friends. I caught up to them and immediately confronted them on the one thing that bothered me the most about what just happened.
“Why the HELL did you leave without me?” I spit through clenched teeth. They looked at me and smiled unsure what to say. I waved the question aside for I knew they weren’t going to give me a straight answer and said,
“Whateva… Just don’t do it again or ill be pissed…”
A little while later I found myself sitting in front of the Grease rehearsal and hanging out with the people in the play. I talked to Max and Gebo and we all came up with the brilliant idea of saying nothing to anyone about what just went down. You could tell Max and Gebo were scared. They both obviously didn’t want to get caught and neither did I. But at the same time I didn’t care as much as I should have.

Later that week during 2nd red class I was called down to the office. I laughed in an, oh crap sort of way and started off. When I got to the office Max was there and Gebo was being called down over the intercom. I was there for almost the rest of the day unfortunately. The cops came and talked to Max and me. Then our dads came and listened to what the cops had to say.
Our vice principal at the time let us off easy and gave us 35 hours of community service. I, for one, knew exactly what I was going to do. I was going to recycle! After I was finished with all 35 hours of service the incident became my memoir.

Consider the outcomes of your actions before you end up with one you never wanted to experience in the first place. I know I should have. I learned my lesson the hard way. Don’t make the same mistake. Think, before you act…

The author's comments:
The reason I decided to send this in to Teen Ink is because a few of my friends told me they liked it and that i could write pretty good. This way I'll find out what others think :)

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