Detective Mayfield chronicles | Teen Ink

Detective Mayfield chronicles

July 22, 2013
By Chris536 BRONZE, Bothell, Washington
Chris536 BRONZE, Bothell, Washington
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There I was, standing on the edge of a dock, my feet tied together and my hands bound in front of me. Attached to my feet was an 8 foot rope and at the end of the rope were two concrete cinder blocks. By now you probably understand where this is headed. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves here, let me first give you some background information about myself first and how I got into this situation.
They call me Hotshot down at the station. I’m the rookie cop that everyone likes to give crap to. I guess that’s just because I was ranked up to lieutenant at the young age of 18 for the Seattle PD. I’m the youngest lieutenant in the states existence. With great power comes greater responsibility and I intend to stop the sales of alcoholic beverages crossing my county lines and to lock up the sick criminals who are moving them. My real name is Frank Mayfield, I was born May 1st 1902 and was raised in downtown Seattle. At the young age of 10 my father was murdered by a ruthless crime boss that ran the local gangs around here. His name was Tony Capon or better known as “littleman” and was feared by everyone he made contact with. After my father’s murder I sought to avenge my father’s death by finding the man who committed the crime and locking him up behind bars. I intended to do just that.

It was a slow Friday night, not much crime seemed to be happening in the streets since I took over here as lieutenant. Or so I thought. Little did I know that this was about to be the busy and craziest night of my life. Last week me and a couple of my fellow officers busted some of Littleman’s right hand men trying to move a fresh shipment of booze into my city. I wasn’t going to have any of it and I called for backup as we arrested them for violating there law and better yet there probation. “Once Littleman finds out about this he’s going to cut off your head” said Charlie one of Littleman’s right hand men. When I heard him say this all I could do was to let out a little chuckle and say “we will see about that, we will see about that”. I wish right then I took those two men more serious than I did.

As the night went on, the streets seemed to grow quieter and quieter than they should for a Friday night. My stomach seemed to get more upset as I sat in my office filling out some paperwork. In need of water and some food; I called out to my secretary to fetch me some water and food down at the mom and pop grocery store on third, in hopes to settle down my growling stomach. She gladly accepted and headed on her way. Before I knew it she was back in a flash with my food which was a Big Philly Cheesesteak and my glass of ice cold water. I gladly sat down and started to devour my sandwich and drank my water. Soon after I was done eating I kicked my legs up on my desk and went over some more papers. As I sat there I could feel my heart start to race, my palms start to get sweaty and the words on the paper seemed to slip away. My mind starts racing…what can it be? Why am I feeling this way? Am I dying? A faint knock came at the door, as I glance over I see a group of men standing there but I cannot make out there faces. I plead for one of the men to come help me but not a single person budges. I catch myself drifting away now as I’m coming in and out of consciousness. My eyes begin to sink heavier and heavier before I am awoken to a loud bang. My eyes flash open to where I can see a man hovering over me. The man kneels down closer to me, and now his face becomes clear.
“Littleman is that you”? I say. No words came from the man’s mouth for some time but his heavy breathing sent chills down my spine. Finally a word was spoken from the man’s mouth. “I think the pill kicked in, take him away boys. Take him to pear 57 and let’s show this pig a thing or two about me. Good work Nancy”. Those were all the words the man said and it all became so clear to me. I was drugged and by who was I drugged? I was drugged by Nancy, Nancy was my secretary for the short time I had been working here at Seattle PD. I thought I could trust her but apparently she’s hiding a secret life that I never knew.

The smell of sea water quickly rushed in to my nose as I started to become conscious from being drugged. I could feel the waves slapping the poles that were holding up the pier. As I opened one of my eyes slowly I could see I was lying on my side. As I scanned my surroundings I can count 6 feet off to my side. Trying to be as sneaky as possible I opened up my eyes and I made a quick observation that I’m in some serious trouble. I was surrounded by men loaded to their teeth with weapons. Escape looked near impossible but I was intended to try. As I slowly leaned up the chains from my shackles around my feet clang together and quickly alerted the men that I was awake. They all jumped and turned around in a split instant; almost as if they had forgotten I was even there. In curiosity I turned around to see how many men I was surrounded by and that’s when I saw I had two men with guns pointed right at my face. The men who were holding the guns were the two men I had just locked up last week trying to smuggle alcohol in to my county. In complete shock I asked them how they got out and they smiled and pointed at a car that was parked under a street light. The door slowly opened and out stepped a women and a man from the back seat and two men from the front seats. The two people who came out of the backseat of the car were Nancy and Littleman. Everything began to slow down as they trotted over. Littleman was dressed to the nines wearing the newest tux the tux shop had and puffing on a fat cigar. Nancy was wearing a long dressed that hugged her body tightly with a giant fur coat covering her up from the cold breeze that the Puget sound blew in.

With time ticking I told Littleman that “you will never get away with this and for the murder of my father”. The expression on his face stayed the same. He looked me directly in the eyes and told me “Today is your day, your day to rest forever”. Without wasting another breath he handed Nancy some rope and told her to tie my hands up. She did as she was told and she slowly walked over. Without struggle I let her slide the rope over my wrists. She tied the rope so tight that I could feel every knot in that rope. She gave me one final hug. As she wrapped her hands around my back she whispered in my ear something and then grabbed my hands and then followed by fixing my waist band. As she walked away she turned to me one final time and said “everything will be okay” before she took her final stand next to Littleman. Littleman looked up and down my body and said let’s quit wasting time here and throw over the cinderblocks. Seeing what was to come I didn’t bat an eye and I didn’t resist. The walk to the edge seemed to take forever. The water here wasn’t particularly deep, 10 feet deep at most. The rope tied to my feet was 8 feet long; they did this so they could make sure I was dead. So they can watch me drown is what I figured. The two men hoisted up the cinder blocks and asked me if I wanted any last words. I shook my head quietly.

Bang, Bang, Bang, gun shots started ringing out in the night sky like fireworks on the fourth of July. I quickly took cover and jumped towards some crates. The lights of the gunfire coming out of the barrels were all I could make out in surrounding buildings and then soon I could hear police sirens. I felt safe like everything was going to be okay; the two men who were holding my cinder blocks were both shot and had dropped them on the dock right before the water’s edge. After intense moments of gunfire; all went quiet except for the sirens echoing off the buildings. I heard heavy footsteps running towards me but it wasn’t who I had thought it was…It was Littleman, he had been shot a few times. None of those gunshot wounds seemed to even faze him as he leaned over and picked up one of the cinder blocks and chucked it over the edge. The cinder block fell over and quickly tightened the rope and threatened to send me over the rail. With all my might I tried to muster enough energy to fight him off but he was just too strong and pumped up on adrenaline that nothing could stop him. A couple cops ran to my rescue when they heard my struggle and as they rounded the corner they saw Littleman holding the final cinderblock above his head. Thinking he was threatening to smash that cinderblock over my head the cops fired at Littleman. Shot after shot hit him before he finally died but by then it was to late he had tossed the cinderblock over the edge and I went with it. As I slide over the rail what was already in slow motion came into slower motion. I had time to make out the officers reaction to me falling over the edge to seeing littleman lying on the ground face down. I could see the lights bouncing off the walls of the building and I could feel the ice cold water as it started to cover my body. Clunk, clunk was the sound of the cinderblocks taking their final resting place on the rocks 8 feet below me. As I opened my eyes I can see my fellow officers standing above me watching hopelessly as I slowly start to become unconscious.

In one final attempt I try to wrestle my hands from the rope but its no luck. I start to fear for the worse but then I remembered something. When Nancy was done tying me up she had whispered something in my ear and then moved my waist band. I quickly reached for my waistband in hopes that maybe she stashed a pair of keys for the shackles on my feet or a knife to cut the rope. I couldn’t have been anymore right, she did, she stashed a pair of keys in my waistband. With pure adrenaline I fettled the keys free and began to unshackle my ankles. With one last heave I got the shackle off and swam to the surface and breathed in the biggest amount of air I possibly could. I was free and cheers from above rain out into the night sky as joy started to take over. A couple of firefighters fished me out and sent me to a local hospital to make sure I was okay.

One week later I was out of the hospital and back on the job. I got some good news when I had found out that they had arrested the rest of littleman’s gang and that the city streets were now clean of any gang violence. I received some sad news however when I had found out Nancy had died. It was sad to hear because for the most part I would have loved to hear her story and to what role she played in the gang and to why she saved me but I guess it’s best if some things are better left unsaid.

The author's comments:
I had to write a story for my English class and my teacher liked it and thought I should post it on here

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