Bully... a new way to look at the words | Teen Ink

Bully... a new way to look at the words

December 8, 2013
By k_reyes729 BRONZE, Wallingford, Connecticut
k_reyes729 BRONZE, Wallingford, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say high school is the hardest time of your life. For a girl… that also plays on the all boys football team, it’s much harder. High school hasn’t taught me much; the only things that fully stuck were the girls logic in their insults. As far as the teachers and administrators are concerned, there’s no bullying in the school. Safe yourself the stress/pressure and don’t ruin their happy thoughts of the school; trust me. So for any middle schooler wondering how to survive high school, just think of those nasty words like this:

“S***”: You probably dress really nice everyday, put makeup on and do your hair. The truth is, you have really low self-esteem and it makes you feel better when people “boys” look at you.
You intimidate them.

“W****”: You probably have many guy friends that are attractive. Little to everyone else’s opinions you are friend zoned by each of those hot boys.

-You party with a bunch of guys: Well it is more fun without the drama…

- You’re better than them.

“Flirt”: You are a really friendly person; you can just joke around with boys easier. Basically…. You’re a bro.

- You’re better than them.

“Easy”: You are actually a virgin, but because you are always hanging out with guys, which make you easy. In reality, your standards are too high for any of your guy friends to meet.

- You’re better than them.

“B****”: You made another girl look bad in front of a guy she likes.
You are dating a guy that another girl really liked.
Guys always hangout with you.
You speak your mind and not care about what other people will think of you.
You’re better than them.

“C***”: Whoever called you that is a jerk. It doesn’t matter the context.

-You’re better than that.

“Thirsty”: You were being overly friendly with a cute boy; when that boy is your best friend, nobody realizes you two are joking.

-You’re better than them.

“Home wrecker”: You met a great guy and hooked up with him, little to your knowledge, he had a girlfriend; which means it is 100% your fault for not knowing.
Boys can be stupid.

“Fake”: In an attempt to make it stop you try and be like them to fit in.
You’re scared.
You just want to fit in.
You smile everyday in an attempt to make it known that you don’t care.

“Lightweight”: Hey after a week of insults you want to drink a lot just to feel something; we’ve all been there.
You’ve actually never drank before and didn’t know your limits
You’re a small girl, you obviously cant drink as much as the football team!

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