Come and Past | Teen Ink

Come and Past

November 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Looking out my window, all I saw was rain and red and blue flashing lights. My mom said it was nothing that I didn’t need o worry. But over the next few days I found out everything. Days past and you were still in the hospital. Everyone was hoping and praying that you would come home into arms. But then you slipped from our fingers. No one knows why god called you home that day. All that I know is that fours later you’re still not a memory. I can still see you riding down our street, smiling your contagious smile. But it’s not a sad memory. I still remember you mostly in pictures, but I know your still here. Watching over our street, always smiling. Coming to me in dreams. I’m stronger because of you. That’s what god sent you to teach, that no one will ever hurt us if you’re always here, so he made that possible. But I wish he didn’t take you so soon.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 20 2008 at 12:53 am
omg ally this is amazing!