Happiness Is | Teen Ink

Happiness Is

May 9, 2014
By Tony_G BRONZE, Watsonville, California
Tony_G BRONZE, Watsonville, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Is happiness important? Yes, and very much. Happiness is crucial to live a healthy life. Happiness for me was always being with my friends and with my family all that kind of stuff. But I believe there are three ways to make your life happy and healthy. This is my philosophy. Being with people who you like to be around, doing things that don’t come easily, and driving cars.

The first way to live a happy and healthy life, being with people that you like and people who like you too. Whether it’s family, friends, and the girlfriend or boyfriend. For me, I like being with people that have the same interest as me, cars! In his TED talk, Sam Burns says that being happy is being with people you care about and get along with. I don’t feel more happy than when i’m talking to my friend about cars or my dad is teaching me about cars. It’s just really fun and entertaining for me and it makes me be able to talk to people about cars. It’s how me and my friends get along, we have the same interest.

Another way is by doing things that don’t come as easily to you. It keeps you occupied and fills you with joy once you reach your hard goal. The first time I tried to drive a car it didn't as well as I thought it would. I couldn't let go of the clutch and press the gas at the same time. I got frustrated and so did my dad. So I kept trying and trying, but I couldn't get it right. I couldn't get the hang of it that day so my dad told me I should try tomorrow because it was already getting dark I went the next morning by myself, and it was a lot easier that day I got off to a great start that day and taught myself how to shift while the car was running. I was a outside all day using the truck and went home when it was getting dark, but after I filled the tank because I had used up all the gas. Everyday until I came back to U.S. I went to go use the truck everyday. I didn't come easily to me but I was happy when I could finally do it.

Lastly, whenever you get the chance to drive a car, take it don’t think about it just take it. It’s a lot of fun to do. I don’t know how people can ever get bored of driving, when to me it’s one of the best things God has ever created.

Those are my ideas to have a happy and healthy life. Be with people that you feel good around, do things that take up time and don’t come as easy to you, and drive cars whenever you can.

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