I loved you with my eyes closed | Teen Ink

I loved you with my eyes closed

May 29, 2014
By Jade-Lynn Diaz Leonardo BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
Jade-Lynn Diaz Leonardo BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everything was so simple. Wake up, get dressed, dress the girls, make breakfast, go to work.
All was so simple until Michael decided life wasn’t how he wanted it anymore. Mia was Michael’s
beautiful wife. Mia had a higher paying job and that always caused problems between the married
couple. About ten years past and one would think after eleven years of marriage nothing could come
between a couple who have overcome almost every obstacle. Well with Mia and Michael that wasn’t
the case.
Raising two little girls while dealing with newly financial problem could cause any person to
slowly go mad. After a while of bickering Michael decided to return to college at night to eventually get
a high paying job to help support his family better. Of course Mia supported Michaels decision all the
way because that is what good wives do. Mia took on the struggle of being a mother and a father.
Every night dinner would be made and extra would be put away for when Michael got home.
Mia also helped her husband with his homework and made sure everything was okay with the financial
problems as well. Everything was going good until the “I need to stay after school tonight,” started.
Excuses became a more frequent thing in the couple’s relationship. Eventually Michael wouldn't
answer his phone because he was “too” busy celebrating a test score or hanging out with his buddies.
Mia grew worried and confronted her husband although nothing changed. The lying grew worse and
worse and a very angry Mia caught Michael “celebrating” with his friends.

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At that precise moment everything got worse. Wanting nothing to do with her husband,
infuriated wife, Mia thought of her two little girls Marie and Lynn and pushed through it. Mia never truly
forgave Michael for what she witnessed. Although Mia has always assumed that he was constantly lying.
Mia spent the time second guessing herself on whether or not she should stay with him.
Years passed and Michael got better at hiding that he was unfaithful to his wife. The girls grew
older and Mia wasn’t oblivious to what her husband was doing. Michael started to drop hints when he
did something wrong. Randomly he would say “I love you” or buy flowers. Normally any wife would
love for her husband do make kind gestures and whisper sweet nothings into their ear. In Mia’s situation
gestures like this was only made when Michael needed to free his guilty conscience.
Poor Mia didn’t deserve what she received from the one person that vowed to love her and
only her for as long as they both shall live. Sooner than later Michael lost his main form of happiness and
stability which was his family. Divorce was filed and the girls saw their father on the weekends. No
longer did Michael have a home cooked meal,a good morning and a goodnight kiss. Most importantly
he lost the privilege to take part in a happy home with his exwife
and his two girls. Mia learned to never
blindly trust anyone because many times they will fail you when you need them the most.

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