America | Teen Ink


November 10, 2014
By riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
riley herzog SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The beauty of choosing my fate and deciding how I want to live my life is something I cherish.  Traveling freely throughout the US is something I’ve loved to do since I was little. The opportunities that this nation gives are indescribable. 
After I complete college, my dream is to travel out West to hopefully start a career and a family.  Other countries don’t let people have the luxuries of living where they want, picking their own career, or simply being themselves.  Which is why I am proud to be an American.  
My love for the West came from a ski trip in Montana.  Flashes of the fluffy and white scenic views and its community still run through my mind.  I've revisited Big Sky Montana in the summer and it was a completely new experience, as if I traveled to Narnia, which enhanced my love for it.  Out there, every place was filled with life, land and love.  I even got to touch a wild Bison with my bare hand.  I know America's West will never fail to excite my family and me for years to come.
On days when my mind flutters off, I imagine myself working out West as a veterinarian.  Even though I’m not sure of the outcome, or if it will ever happen, I still hope for it.  I know if I try hard enough, one day I will achieve it as my American dream. 
Living in America means hard work and dedication can make dreams come true.  People in other countries are forced into a job by their government, or are told where to live and how to act.  They don’t get the chance to have or try for their dream.  The ability to choose your own life and do what you truly aspire to do, should never be taken for granted.
So, when I fulfill my dream and am with my loving family, it will be out West, where everyone is happy to be an American.   

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