The american dream | Teen Ink

The american dream

December 15, 2014
By kevin1050 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
kevin1050 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Should the government be able to control our religious rights? The government feels that it is necessary for them to be able to control our religious views. The government feels that they should have a right to control our religious views. Which this causes an outrage in today’s world because we the people feel that it is unconstitutional for the government to take over our religious beliefs and views.
The US government feels that its necessary for them to have a say in what we believe in and what our beliefs tell us what are right and wrong.“Questions whether or not the 102nd Congress will discuss and resolve the question of judicial insensitivity to unpopular religious views (Drinan).” The evidence is proving my point about the government wanting more say in our views when it talks about the question of judicial insensitivity to unpopular religious views. “U.S. President Barack Obama holds a secularist view  of religious freedom as merely the freedom to worship, and has implemented policies which abridge it, citing the question of whether Catholic-run non-church institutions must include birth control in their employee health plans (Drinan) .” This evidence is showing that the government is trying to control our beliefs also it shows that the government thinks that they want more control over what the people believe in. I feel that the government should not have control over our religious beliefs.
The restrictions on religious believe are so heavily guarded in other countries causing people to rebel against there government. “This article deals with ritual slaughter and the consequences of a possible ban on un-stunned slaughter for the freedom to manifest one's relgion (Drinan).”This quote is proving my point that the restrictions on religious views in other countries are so guarded that they have almost no choice in what they believe in.freedom of religion or belief has been recognized as an international human right; however, some recent conceptualizations may blur its status as a human right by undermining the principles of universalism, freedom, and equality (Drinan).”  Religious freedom is a human right not a choice. The right of religious freedom is a human right not a choice of what you believe in.
The human right to have religious freedom should not be restricted by the US government.” It shows how laws and regulations in the country tend to restrict the freedom of relligion (Drinan).”This quote shows that there are restrictions that the government are trying to create but wont pass because in today’s community they don’t want to be like one another they want to just be them. The US government in today’s world is not right when they try to go and take control of our religious beliefs and views. All because some of the religious views are unconstitutional according to the governemnt.
This concludes the thoughts of many Americans and there beliefs in thinking that the U.S government should not have control over religious views. “ We feel it is necessary for the U.S government to have control over the peoples religious views (Drinan).” If the government had control over our religious views it would be crazy because everyone would be like on another at a religious stand point.

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