The Monsters in The Mirror | Teen Ink

The Monsters in The Mirror

February 2, 2015
By KyleOHS BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
KyleOHS BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Ooop Kill 'em"

Dear McDonalds,

Your company is the cause of many countries vexations, it disrupts the peaceful (if not peaceful then, harmonious) with its obstreperous equipment. If I was a member of that community I would have been even more cantankerous than I am currently. This “operation” does not bring a jubilant feeling to the local communities but rather an acrimonious and melancholy feeling. I understand that it is important to have a place to put you cattle and you need oil for your delivery cars and all that stuff, but these animals and plants, they need the trees and other animals to survive and thrive, so I believe that this is completely insensitive. I understand that the future of your company is nebulous and all but its murdering so many animals. When you cut down trees you're destroying not only carbon, an essential element of our, and our planet’s survival but also a tree that helps create oxygen from the CO2 we generate with our every breath.

Not only is this long lasting tirade destroying our world, but that of our future as well. So as of now my point is clear, it is to compel you to STOP imprudently cutting down so many trees. Its been said that every second 2.4 acres of forest are being cut down, which is causing about 137 animal species to go extinct every day.

This deforestation not only uglies our landscape but also increases rates of forest fires due to the fact that there are so many dead and dry trees on the ground, that if one of your construction workers didn’t stomp out one of their cigarettes correctly that entire forest could burn down, releasing once again even MORE CO2 and if that happens, then not only did you just because a large flux of carbon but also destroyed a forest of hardworking plants trying to stop our other mistakes.

In conclusion your “harmless” operations are causing far too many problems for our environment ranging from, killing thousands of species animal species every month, killing hard working plants and then causing large carbon fluxes. We should no longer point fingers at the fictional monsters of our imaginations and those under our beds, but those standing in the mirror.

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