I Love School | Teen Ink

I Love School

March 25, 2015
By Trevin Miller BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Trevin Miller BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I love school.  People always go why would you like school it’s so boring.  I tell them there are many reasons to love school.  Reason number one is getting away from family.  My brothers are annoying and school is the only time I get away from them.  Also mom is always yelling and school is the time I can spend without her also. 
Second reason is friends.  During school is not only the time I get alone but also the only time I get to see my friends.  There is no after school I see them because my mom is one of those mothers that don’t let their kids leave the house and I get to see my friends at school.  That’s why I cant decide which is better summer break or school.  Its either school time where I get time to myself and see friends or summer break where I don’t get anytime to myself and I can’t go anywhere. 

Reason number three is the teachers.  They are like friends and somewhat like other parents in a way.  I can talk to my teacher about things I wouldn’t tell others.  I like talking to my teachers.  It’s somewhat disappointing that after the school year I barely get to see them and I have to start over with new teachers.

Last reason is the skills learned.  School is good and teaches us social skills.  It also teaches skills like business skills or teaching skills.  School is where we learn to shape our futures in life.  It is where we learn adult stuff like financial issues or skills on the stock market.

Where would we be without school?  How different would the world be?  School has changed life and everything would be different without school.  Some people might think school is boring because of some little homework or the teachers teaching but I love going to school.

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