53 Loco Batos | Teen Ink

53 Loco Batos

January 5, 2016
By 53boyz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
53boyz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who give me esquina. I am the only one who doesn’t judge them. 53 Loco Batos with aggressive minds and pointy fileros like mine. 53 who belong here but are not allowed here. 53 chavalas taking over my block. From my porch, I can spot them, but the 5-0 goes to sleep and let them come through.

Their strength is in their numbers. They send the Ops a present. They recruit little homies and they make them aggressive and violent against the rivals and never quit the B. This is how the hood stays alive.
Let one forget his reason for being, they’d all fall like zombies without a purpose.  B, B, BLove they say when I watch. This how they lead.

When I am too sad and too angry to keep Blove, when I am a soldier against so many enemies, then I look up to the O.G. When there is nothing left to die for on these streets. 53 who grew despite obstacles. 53 who forget and yet always remember. 53 whose only reason is to be a Batos Locos.

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