The Internet | Teen Ink

The Internet MAG

By Anonymous

   Many people think of the Internet as a boring place that only computer nerds actually use. Well, I'm here to tell you that everyone who goes on the Internet is by no means nerdy or has to be a computer genius to work it. I have America On-Line (AOL) and I've worked with Prodigy in the past.

They're great! There are countless things you can do like E-mail, Line Chat, Bulletin Board and the World Wide Web.

My favorite places on the Internet are the Line Chat areas and the Club Bulletin Boards. The Line Chat areas are where you talk with people from all over the country. And I join clubs too. There are clubs for everything! If you can't find the club you're looking for, make one! The bulletin boards have a lot of clubs. You can also give or get advice. On subject boards you can say what you think about different things.

E-mail is a computer mail system where you can send letters, pictures and even sound waves to anyone else on the 'net.

The World Wide Web is a place where you can find out everything about anything. There are billions of subjects and thousands of postings about all those subjects.

So I just hope that you won't judge the Internet without trying it first. I guarantee you'll love it. u

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This article has 2 comments.

i love this so much!

Lida Dida said...
on Dec. 12 2010 at 1:48 pm

  First of all, where did you get the idea that many people think of the Internet as a boring place? Maybe 'some', but 'many' - no.

  I don't really see the point of this article. What is the main idea?

If you wanted to tell the people who didn't use internet untill now, then it is very shallow. You didn't excually explain what is internet, what do we use it for, or what are the possibilities online.

By the way, it is superfluous to say what are your favourite places on internet, if they don't know whay internet is.