Screaming | Teen Ink


December 15, 2016
By OnyxAcker SILVER, New Market, Maryland
OnyxAcker SILVER, New Market, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I have not failed, I have only found 1,000 way that don't work"

It's quiet. Wait, not it's not. It's too loud. Someone help her, him, them, they. They can’t go through this alone. Their trapped and I can hear it. I can hear them. Their screaming, hiding stuck trapped. Save them, for the love of god save them. Their being punished for something that is not their fault and they are screaming. Screaming, their cried out for help that's all I can hear. I can hear the laughter or the happiness but the screaming  won't stop. Down the hall, through the wall, descending from the stairwell. I can hear it. I can hear a rope being tighten around their throat as they yell. I can hear the voice getting weaker as they die out of breath everyday, but I know. I know it will start again tomorrow and the screaming will start again. They will be scared and start screaming yet again because their pain doesn't stop. Their pain doesn't stop and it's my fault. They are hurt because of me and I will always hear their screaming. Im hurting other people and I can't hear their sufferance. It's my fault and now I can't hear anything else. I hear the pain. I hear the hurt. Their stuck, trapped not able to escape. Their life in jeopardy as they pass out and continue to screaming day after day after day. They don't, they won't, they can't stop, get out, save himself. The rope will tighten and they will struggle. They will hurt and… It's all my fault.

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