Taking Care of Your Hamster | Teen Ink

Taking Care of Your Hamster

January 31, 2017
By iam4art BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
iam4art BRONZE, Anchorage, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Are you looking for a new pet? The perfect pet to have is a hamster. Before taking your hamster home, make sure you are ready for all the responsibilities that come with your new pet. Some of the responsibilities include having the proper equipment, providing good nutritious food, and offering many exercise opportunities.

Have you ever wondered what a hamster lives in? Like many other small creatures, your hamster will require a large cage. Adding some comfy bedding to the cage will make it appear more colorful, and your hamster will make nests and hide things in it. Without a food bowl or a water bottle, your cute critter will be famished and parched. So your hamster doesn’t smell so much, it may help to add a removable pee corner that you can clean out once a day.

To get to a hamster’s heart, you have to go through its stomach. Choosing the right food pellets that look and taste the same will help your hamster not to pick and choose. To ensure that your furry friend gets all the vitamins it needs, add some vitamin water drops to its water. A little bit of hay will add fiber to your hamster’s diet. It is okay to give your hamster a treat once in a while, just don’t give it too many.

It’s very important that a hamster gets its proper exercise. Since hamsters are nocturnal, it is important to have a hamster wheel in its cage that it can run on. When your hamster desires to get out of its cage, place it in a decent sized, clear, plastic ball and watch it roll around your house. Why buy hamster mazes when you can make one yourself by recycling your toilet paper and paper towel rolls? Making small ledges and attaching them to the wall of the cage will challenge and encourage your hamster to climb.

Although hamsters are fun pets, understand that they are a lot of responsibility. You can find the proper equipment at a pet store or you can order it online. It is very important to know what and how much your hamster is eating. Isn’t it entertaining to watch your active rodent exercise and play at night? No matter how many times you have to clean your hamster’s cage or adjust its squeaky wheel, it is all worth it because you have your pet and that’s all that truly matters.

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