Devils In Heaven | Teen Ink

Devils In Heaven MAG

By Anonymous


Devils in Heaven, Devils in Heaven

Better run

Devils in Heaven, Devils in Heaven

get your gun

What ya gonna do if your life ain't better?

What ya gonna do if you can't go back?

How will you know if your life is better?

How will you know that you can't go back?


Who are the Devils, who can't have fun?

It is only you, alone with nowhere to run

Going to the end of the world to meet with

no one.


{launch of different instrumentals; exposition of theme by burying it under a lot of noises and synthesized effects - very own-world like. To land with a new beat, time, and tune}

Going back

Under ground

No one knows

If he will be found

Into the sea with

all the slime

green with blood

alive this time


Under the sky

in the moonlit death

we all now know

of the unlimited breadth

...of Hell. Oh!...

Yeah! (blood-curdling yell)

{more instrumentals coming off the fading "Yeah!" Using some of the tunes from the last interlude. Much more morbid. Seems to sink "down" (somehow) as if into hell. A lot of saxophone - telling lonely stories. Then a crescendo bringing listener back up to the level of the song.}

They are the Devils; you know them now

Why does that not help?

Because this isn't your own life.


Could it be the time is over

going to be dying now

Will it ever be better

What I know now says it never will

Come and take me oh you Devils

Take me to the setting sun.

Devils in Heaven, Devils in Heaven

Better run

Devils in Heaven, Devils in Heaven

get you gun

{short interlude}

could be the world is done

{last line whispered as a resignation} n

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i love this so much!