Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 28, 2019
By Skanda1 BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
Skanda1 BRONZE, Sterling, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year!

The teacher who wins best teacher in the universe is Mrs. Briggs. She has taught at many schools in America and in China. Mrs. Briggs is special because she helps us whenever we need it. She teaches the things we need to know for middle school grades. She can do many classes like writing, reading, science, and math. Nobody can have more knowledge than Mrs. Briggs. NO ONE! Mrs. Briggs has done a lot for my class and myself. She teaches us reading subjects, she teaches us math subjects, she teaches us science subjects, she teaches us writing subjects, there is no subject that Mrs. Briggs can’t teach! For the class, she is very nice and she will help us on any occasion. She will even sometimes let us do cool, learning games that are fun and helps us learn too. So if you want your kids to learn, come to Mrs. Briggs for the knowledge you need. She teaches us everything in the world, interjections, fractions, poetry, energy, you name it she’ll teach it. When it comes down for your kids to learn everything come to Mrs. Briggs to teach you everything you could imagine. She’ll kick all that information into your brain as fast as three split seconds. So if you want your kid to learn more than anybody in the universe come to Mrs. Briggs the best teacher in the world that will beat every other teacher in any battle with learning.    

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