Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

November 18, 2019
By 0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Birthdays are an exciting time for people. But as we get older, it’s easier for them to not be as fun. When I first had Mrs. Danay, she made sure when it was your special day, you felt special. 

She takes time out of her class to remind me of my birthday and that I should celebrate. Getting up in front of the yearbook class and having everyone clap a certain beat. She joins in clapping, and then comes the loud singing and crazy jumping. People give an irritated look when she starts. But she didn’t care, because she’s making that person’s birthday feel special. She taught me to not care what others think when you are being yourself. 

Mrs. Danay always has a busy life, with three little boys running around the house. Also, trying to sell her house and find a new place to live in has been stressful on her. But that does not stop her from listening to my problems or irritations of that day. 

Every morning, I beat her to the class. She apologizes for running late, when in reality it’s only 7:05am and we still have 25 minutes before class starts. But if I had an issue, she will let me talk and listen, she would sit there looking at me and listen. I know, I can feel comfortable in her classes and I know she feels the same way. She will share her problems with us, just so they aren’t built up. 

Mrs. Danay has been my yearbook teacher at Arrowhead Union High School for two years. I didn’t choose to be in that class for a second year because I love the class. I enjoy the class because of Mrs. Danay. She tries her hardest to make yearbook the best it can be. 

She will have fun Fridays for the class. Each person in the class is assigned a week, that they are the staff member. They will bring in treats for the class on Friday and come up with an activity to play at the beginning of the hour. Everyone looks forward to Fridays because of the atmosphere in that classroom on that memorable day. 

So I would just like to say thank you Mrs. Danay. I wouldn’t have as great of days, if I didn’t get to experience your talented, trustworthy, and touching personality every day. You make me laugh constantly when I am around you and feel like someone at Arrowhead actually cares about my personal life. So thank you for everything you do!

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