My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

My Favorite Teacher

November 19, 2019
By GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
GrindingGears555 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Varrelman 

My junior year at Arrowhead High School was one of the most memorable. Mr Varrelman was the one who made learning, problem solving, and working on cars fun and enjoyable. He was like a cool uncle who taught me important life lessons and gave me assignments. There is something about the way he teaches and organizes his class work that makes everything natural. 

I still remember the first time I had a class with him. It was my junior year and my first time at North Campus, (the campus dedicated to only juniors and seniors) so I was nervous, but all of that soon changed. The moment I walked into his class, it felt like that nervous weight was lifted off. He was reassuring and made my junior high school experience enjoyable.  

Mr. Varrleman was the one teacher who made me realize high school was more than just showing up to do the bare minimum. I wanted to learn and try my best in the class to further my education, and he made this achievable. He gave me the passion and excitement towards my education no other teacher could. He reached me on a personal level and was able to get me involved with my class work. 

One conversation with Mr. V and I could tell how much passion he has towards education and the automotive field. All of my friends in class with me enjoyed his teaching style as much as I did (along with students of previous graduating classes). I have yet to find a student who dislikes his class or personality. 

I find myself admiring his devotion to teaching new things and connecting with the ones around him. His work ethic and friendly personality inspires me outside of the classroom as well. No matter the circumstance, I could always find a smile on his face.  

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