Mrs. Rosaio | Teen Ink

Mrs. Rosaio

January 13, 2020
By Anonymous

My Educator of the Year is one of my 9th Grade teachers, Mrs. Nancy Rosaio. Mrs. Rosaio teaches Integrated Science at Delaware Military Academy. When I came to a new school I was nervous, but in her class, I always felt comfortable. On the first day, she went over everything we will learn in the semester. I chose my 9th-grade science teacher, Mrs. Rosaio because she is a great teacher, and she always has a smile on her face.

Mrs. Rosaio always has a positive attitude towards everyone. Mrs. Rosaio is a motivational and kind teacher. She is a teacher that you can always talk to, and she's always there for you. Mrs. Rosaio motivates students when taking tests. When a student doesn't understand something, she helps them to understand it. Mrs. Rosaio is a very helpful and understanding teacher.

Mrs. Rosaio is a great teacher because she teaches at a good pace, and she uses helpful teaching techniques. She teaches with well-organized slideshows with many visual examples. She gives us fun experiments that will make us think while incorporating technology. She gives worksheets to help us study for tests or quizzes. Mrs. Rosaio doesn't teach too fast; she teaches at a good pace for everyone in the class. She is dedicated to teaching her students.

Teaching science isn't always easy. Mrs. Rosaio taught me about physics, waves, and chemistry. In physics, we learned about Newton's Laws, the Conservation of Energy, and kinetic and potential energy. We also learned about radio waves, infrared waves, and visible light rays. In chemistry, we learned about the properties of matter, ions, and bonding, and changing the rate of reaction. Mrs. Rosaio makes teaching science look easy.

In conclusion, I chose Mrs. Rosaio to be my Educator of the Year. I have learned a lot about physics and chemistry. She always helps me prepare for tests and quizzes. She always motivates me to do my best in everything. I am glad to have her as my science teacher. Mrs. Rosaio is my biggest role model; I hope I can be as incredible as her one day.

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