The High School English Class You Wish You Had | Teen Ink

The High School English Class You Wish You Had

May 1, 2024
By polinaperin PLATINUM, Espluegues De Llobregat, Other
polinaperin PLATINUM, Espluegues De Llobregat, Other
21 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

During my sophomore year, known for its high stress and not much fun, one English teacher transformed our usual dull lessons into captivating theater sessions. Imagine trying to keep a straight face as Hamlet's serious soliloquies were delivered with the gruff tone of an old man from Brooklyn.

This teacher was not just a fan of English; he was a true performer. Each character we studied came alive with his distinctive voice work, making our Shakespeare readings incredibly entertaining and turning class into something like a comedy show. There we were, just tenth graders, trying hard not to laugh out loud as Mr. Darcy declared his love to Elizabeth Bennet sounding exactly like a lovesick pirate.

But it wasn’t all fun and games. When it came to writing, this teacher was exceptionally sharp. He would take my rough drafts—my attempts at good English—and patiently help me sort out my confused thoughts. "Let’s figure this out together," he would say, making sure I never felt bad about my mistakes. Those sessions were invaluable; they greatly improved my writing skills and boosted my confidence.

He also enjoyed challenging our thoughts with his bold ideas. For example, he could make a convincing argument that Jay Gatsby was a better role model than Mother Teresa, pushing us to really think about our assumptions. His intriguing insights kept us mentally alert, always ready to explore or question his latest theory.

As I look back on these unforgettable English classes, I must applaud a teacher who brought humor, deep thinking, and lively debates into our lives. He made literature come alive in ways that no movie or video could. Thanks to his teaching, I’m now better at understanding the intricacies of English and appreciating different viewpoints. Plus, I’ve mastered a pretty good pirate accent, just in case I ever need it!

The author's comments:

This essay shows into the humorous and insightful teaching methods of an English teacher who enlivens his classroom with dramatic character impersonations and bold literary comparisons.

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