Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

December 13, 2011
By Haley Blanchard BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
Haley Blanchard BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator: Ms. Christi Bailey
Position: 7th grade social studies teacher
School: Trickum Middle
Last school year was the best year of my life all because of Ms. Christi Bailey. Even though Ms. Bailey was simply my 7th grade social studies teacher, she was so much more than that to me. She was my mentor, my comforter, and my second mom. I have never had a public school teacher who cared about me as an individual and student as much as her. Ms. Bailey has done more for me, Trickum Middle School, the Lilburn community, and our world than any other teacher I know. Ms. Bailey is truly one of the most amazing teachers.
I am not the type of girl who likes to be wrong. I am not satisfied with receiving a 98% on a test. I have always felt as if I am not good enough or smart enough if I do not score perfect on a test, but Ms. Bailey completely changed my perspective on this. She taught me that school is not about being right about every little thing. It is about learning new things, and being satisfied with doing your best on each thing you do. These wise words of wisdom have also helped me with my daily life. Before I had Ms. Bailey, I would lay in my bed each night stressing about each little thing. She showed me however, that life is not about always being perfect because nobody is or ever will be no matter how hard they try. I still struggle with worrying, but it has gotten so much better ever since I met my 7th grade social studies teacher. She has not only changed me but my whole perspective on life.
In addition, Ms. Bailey has also changed Trickum Middle School. She has started a club at Trickum called Jr. SAVE/SAD (Students Against Violence Everywhere/ Students Against Drugs). During this club, she informs each member of how just one bad choice can easily change your life. She is a role model to each and every student in that club, and together they work to stop violence and drugs everywhere. Also, she is very much involved in the Lilburn community. Just the other day, the Trickum basketball team and cheerleaders were in the Lilburn parade. As I was cheering, I looked out into the crowd and saw Ms. Bailey rooting me on. It made me so thankful to see her cheering for me, and I knew at that moment how much she really cared. Ms. Bailey also helps people all across the world. Right before Halloween Ms. Bailey challenged all of her students to raise as much money as possible for an organization called Trick or Treat for Unicef. All four of her classes ended up raising about $500 to donate to Trick or Treat for Unicef in order to help people with AIDs. Ms. Bailey gives much of her time helping others, and this is one of the many qualities about her that I truly cherish.

The thing that I love the most about Ms. Bailey is how much she cares about me. My mom and I have a wonderful relationship, and I know I can tell her anything. I had never really opened up to anyone except my mom until my 7th grade year when I met my social studies teacher. That school year was heart changing because I knew if I ever needed anything or wanted to talk I had a second mom right there at school. Toward the end of the school year I was dealing with a difficult friendship. I would spend each morning and afternoon crying about the hurtful words said to me by this girl. I did not know what to do or how to find a solution to my problems. Ms. Bailey was there for me throughout the whole mess, and she encouraged me to not let it bring me down. Ms. Bailey gave me many suggestions to help mend our friendship such as simply talking it out with the girl. I took her advice and she and I have been really close friends ever since. After that situation, I knew that I could handle anything life throws at me, especially with the help of my cherished, second mom.

Ever since last year there have been tough situations that I have had to deal with. I have tried to handle each problem just like Ms. Bailey would. I will always look up to her, and I hope that someday I change will some little girl’s life just like Ms. Bailey changed mine.

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This article has 2 comments.

PK1226 said...
on Jan. 11 2012 at 9:23 pm
This is a wonderful article about your teacher. It also says a lot about you and what you learned from her. Life lessons learned so early can be of great benefit. Congratulations on those lessons and the friendship you made.

jb1023 said...
on Jan. 6 2012 at 5:57 pm
Haley - WOW! What an awesome story. I was so moved by the way you shared all your feelings. You were certainly blessed to have Ms. Bailey and I'm sure she's been blessed by your friendship as well.