Gunny | Teen Ink


April 24, 2013
By jmar123 BRONZE, Wilmingtin, Delaware
jmar123 BRONZE, Wilmingtin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The name of the teacher I nominated is gunny. He is the worlds greatest teacher. Gunny deserves this award so much. Teachers should look up to him as a role model.

Gunny teaches at the school Delaware Military Academy. He teaches Naval Science. He was a drill sergeant in the Marines. He retired and furthered his service at a school based on pride and ownership. As long as you respect him he will respect you to. I really like that about him.

If you hear laughter near his room, he was probably the reason it is happening. He is always cracking jokes and entertaining us. Also he is fair and makes sure everyone gets the same punishment. He is also very intelligent when it comes to the Military. He has been in many parts of the world for the military. He was a drill sergeant. He is teaching us everything we need to know about marching and staying in step. While we march he instructs us when each foot should be touching the ground. Marching may seem easy but it requires a lot of focus.

Many people don't like their jobs. Gunny loved his and loves coming to school everyday. He is still furthering his education and goes to school. He has incredibly shiny shoes. No one knows how he gets them so shiny. Whenever i shine mine they are not even close to his. He teaches us how to keep our uniform in perfect condition. This means we need to know the measurements for our uniforms and have our hair cut short. Once you get into the swing of things all of it is very easy.

One of gunny's main jobs is to prepare us for annual inspection. We already had it and it went really well. A captain from the Navy came and she inspected my platoon. I was nervous at first but I remembered everything gunny taught me. He told me to not move around and stand up straight. He also gave me the information to answer a knowledge question if I had to. She looked at my uniform and gave me an excellent grade. Without gunny I would have failed miserably.

Gunny is a very great teacher; he is loved by everyone. Even after school has ended he is still helping out. For example he coaches the marksmanship team. The marksmanship team shoots guns at targets. Gunny deserves this award because hes not an excellent teacher because he wants recognition he is an excellent teacher because he cares about his students.

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