Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 7, 2014
By Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
Jeremy24 GOLD, Peewaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first day that I met coach Steinbach I will never forget. It was the first day of freshman football, and I was nervous because  I didn't know any of the guys or had never played football on a team before. I showed up on time but without football equipment because I was sick the day that everyone was receiving theirs. Being a freshman and not knowing anyone on the football team, I had no way to figure out where I should go to get my equipment so I was ready to play. However, then I saw coach Steinbach come up the stairs to where I was standing. He had a smile on his face that could make the darkest night bright, and a twinkle in his eye that looked like a fire glistening in the wind. Right then and there, I new coach Steinbach could help me. I asked for his help and he gave it to me, and over that season he gave me help countless other times.

Coach Steinbach's story does not end with just coaching football as he is also my track coach. Unexpectedly, that year I went out for track, but it was the best decision that I have ever made. The first day of track, I was unsure what to do and frankly, where to go, but that all changed once I saw his smile and I knew that coach Steinbach was there for a reason. Coach Steinbach’s enthusiasm affects everyone around him in a positive manner and helps bring out the best in everyone he works with. He is like a kid on Christmas  because he is so excited and never knows what is going to be under the tree.

Coach Steinbach is not just my coach, he is a friend that has taught thousands of people throughout his life, including my own.  Coach Steinbach also has a family of his own, caring for his wife and his two sons all the time while still being a part of all our hearts at Arrowhead High School. In the past three years, coach Steinbach has taught me and helped me become a stronger, faster, and more educated man. Coach Steinbach is one of those people that you don't meet very often, he will help you strive to do your best no matter how long it takes you or how good you are, as long as you stay positive and don’t give up. That is why coach Steinbach is my friend, my teacher, and my educator of the year.

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