Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By 53boyz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
53boyz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Cull is the teacher of the year because she helps teenagers out during the school year.  Last year, during my sophomore year, she helped me earn my US History credit.  She helped me understand what I needed to do and she worked with me to get it done.  She did this by helping me do my essay the right way and by making sure that I'm responsible and turn in all my work. Help out  other students that were 1  year behind on credits get them back so they could graduate in then year they should of.

While I was in the credit recovery program, I watched how she was able to help other students graduate on time by helping them get the credits they needed to graduate and not drop out so close to graduation.  Some of those students were behind in their credits and they had to worked hard to get caught up with credits and and making sure they were not too pressured to drop out.

Not only has Mrs. Cull helped me get back on track, but she has also helped me find a job.  She helped me look for jobs in the areas that I was interested in.  She helped me fill out my job applications. She helped me get hired at the Rustic Manor.  We talked about how to apply for a job and what to say.  She went over what to do in a job interview.  I felt more confident at my job interview. I was glad she told me to do at the interview (speak loud and look them to the face and act very respectful) because it got me the job I wanted.

I struggle with the English language because I was not born here.  Spanish is the language I grew up learning and what is spoken at home by my family.  Learning how to speak and write English has been difficult for me.  One of the important skills Mrs. Cull has helped me with was learning how to sign my name.  Mrs. Cull helped me learn how to write my name in cursive so I could sign my applications.  She made me practice it over and over again.  This helped me when I had to sign my State ID card and Social Security Card this year.  It is a skill I will continue to use in my life.

I think Mrs. Cull should be the teacher of the year because she is a good listener and because she helps people with their problems.  She is respectful and treats me like a person and makes an effort to get to know me for who I am.  She has a unique personality and makes Credit Recovery a class that I look forward to.  She helps me want to be a better student and graduate on time. 

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