senorita White | Teen Ink

senorita White

April 21, 2016
By brookeeeee BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
brookeeeee BRONZE, Wilmington , Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Hola mi llamo Brooke, me la maestra es señorita Blanco. Translation: Hello my name is Brooke, my spanish teacher is Mrs, White. I am currently a cadet at Delaware Military Academy and Mrs, White is more than just my spanish teacher, she is also more than just favorite teacher but she is the best teacher I've had in my highschool career. Granted I am only a freshman even most of the upper classmen would have to agree. 
    As soon as I walk in the classroom I squirm with excitement knowing it's going to be a good class just like any other day. Although spanish is not my favorite subject with Mrs.White's witty personality and precise teaching methods anything is do-able. Learning a language is very different and hard for someone who doesn't pick up on things quickly. Although with Mrs, whites can-do spirit and dedication not just to her job but to her students, she will make sure that you fully understand what you are learning at the end of the lesson. In her classroom she incorporates useful life lessons and tips on how to be a better person. Mrs, white inspires me on a daily bases.
    Mrs, White is the lady seahawks field hockey coach, showing off her coaching skills in the classroom always pushing you to your highest ability. Always cheering on her students and expecting the best. Teachers never want their students to fail but sometimes you must fall down to get back up. I think that is one thing Mrs,White teaches consistently without using words. She always wants us to succeed in spanish class and in life in general but if you're not doing what you need to get done she is not afraid of letting you know of course lending a hand to help pull you back up.
    There is so much more to teaching then waking up at 5:30am going to school and leaving at 3pm and then have your summers off. Teachers work so hard for the students to provide them with education they deserve to have. Mrs, white is a true example of this. She stays after school 2 or 3 days a week for students who need that extra help. She gets to know her students, so all students are aware that if there is ever an issue you can instantly go to Mrs, White. Understanding that she will be with you every step of the way till the resolution.
   Not knowing many teachers with even one of mrs,white's spunky personality traits  makes everyday enjoyable with her. Her take on teaching is one I have never encountered. Incorporating all skills and information you need to succeed in her presence. If every student has  teacher that even compares to Mrs, White our education system is in good hands, with all kids coming out prepared and ready to take on their lives.

The author's comments:

I picked Mrs,White as my nominee because I truly believe that she desereves this title. Having Mrs, White as a teacher for my first year in highschool has been a great advantage for she has taught me so much.

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