Mr. Atkins EOY | Teen Ink

Mr. Atkins EOY

April 21, 2016
By JonathanHines BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
JonathanHines BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Atkins                                  
Do you still remember your favorite sports coach or teacher from middle school? Well I do, and that would be Mr. Atkins. He was my middle school baseball coach, and he is my nomination for Educator of the Year. He taught me valuable life lessons, how to play baseball, and that grades come before sports. He wasn't just a coach to me. He was a friend. This is why he is the best coach ever and why I am nominating him for Educator of the Year.
He is my favorite coach/teacher because he was more than just a coach; he was also a friend. Mr. Atkins hung out with me even after practices and games. He would stay and tailgate with the whole team, throw parties, and just have everybody over to watch the big football game. Mr Atkins was a very funny, smart, and cool guy which made me enjoy his presence. This is one of the reasons why he is my favorite educator.
The second reason why he is the best coach/teacher is because he taught me valuable life lessons. Mr. Atkins taught me to always put my grades in school before any sport. This has made me a better student, a better person, and also a better athlete. He taught me to respect my elders and to always be nice to girls which I already knew, but he made it more clear to me why we do this. He is just an amazing person and is by far one of the best people on Earth.
The final reason why Mr. Atkins is the greatest educator is because he is willing to stay on his own time to help me. Mr. Atkins stays hours after practice helping me to become a better baseball player. He also took time out of his day to help and talk to me.  He did this even though he has his own family, which makes him very special. He is just a caring man and is willing to do anything possible to help people. Mr. Atkins is just a person that you want to be friends with because he is so great.
Coach Troy is my pick for the best coach/teacher, not just for the year but forever. He is just that good at what he does. The way that Mr. Atkins is not just a coach but a friend, how he teaches you valuable life lessons, and how he stays after hours to help other people makes him such a good person. I don't think that there is anybody else on this Earth that is better than Mr. Atkins. This is my nominee for Educator of the Year.

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