My mother | Teen Ink

My mother

May 29, 2024
By connormurrenus BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
connormurrenus BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My mother

My mother is one of my best friends. She has been right next to me my whole life. She makes sure we have a roof over our heads, well fed, and well loved. My mom has just been the realest person I have ever needed in my life. Any time I get in trouble no matter what I say or do she takes my side and trusts me, and just looks out for me. She's one of the only people that does. Loving.

One story I have about my mother is when I was in the 5th grade and on career day I said something very inappropriate that I shouldn't have said, and got an in-school suspension. My mom as soon as she gets the call leaves the house and comes to pick me up, because she wasn’t about to let me sit in an office room, alone for however many hours. Sometimes I wonder why she even puts up with me. Sympathetic.

My mother is one of my best friends. Since I was young my beautiful mom has always been the one to help me through things. Her wisdom and her demeanor has helped me get through stuff and we have grown closer for it.  My mom is my anchor and will always be like a best friend. Gracious.

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