Ryan Cheesemaker | Teen Ink

Ryan Cheesemaker

October 26, 2016
By cece_waitt BRONZE, Wathena, Kansas
cece_waitt BRONZE, Wathena, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love the real you."

Ryan is very much an introvert. rather than interact with people, prefers to play games or work on his coding skills. Like the last Halloween party he was invited to that had a couple of his friends going, he instead chose to stay at home and work on some homework. However, once comfortable and in a joking mood, will tell you what his last name means. “You know, Syrek is Polish for cheesemaker,” he’ll say casually. “Even though I’m from Ireland and my family dealt with potatoes and not cheese.” He’d then let out a little laugh and go back to playing his computer games.

Ryan is the typical computer geek, from his messy hair and thick glasses (also wearing contacts-his vision is really bad) down to his obsession with anything to do with computers. He even plans on becoming a web coder-someone who maintains and update websites using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)- and spends most of his time working at one of his jobs learning more about coding. This job is definitely within his reach because he works so hard to improve, both at college and at his jobs.

Ryan throws himself into his studies and his homework and is very dedicated when he needs to be. Everyday after his classes, Ryan goes straight to his school job, working part-time. This shows that he is a hard worker. It also shows that Ryan is dedicated to his job, as he never complains. In rain, snow, or scorching sun, you can bet that Ryan will be there, no matter the stress.

Under stress, when others might buckle, Ryan works harder than before to get what needs to be done, done.Being in college, he has lots of homework, but he also works two jobs and has to drive his siblings places. He often works so hard, that he ignores everything going on around him in order to get his work done. This really goes to show just how hardworking Ryan is.

Anyone who knows him would describe Ryan as hardworking because he is intelligent and worked hard to get into an early college program his Junior year of high school. Ryan has even taken on two part-time jobs recently, one of which is at his college. And still, despite being having all of this, Ryan still manages to balance friends, family, school, work, and fun.

People who know Ryan would also describe him as sarcastic. This ties in with the phrase “It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it” which means that no matter the words you are actually saying, the tone of your voice and the emotion on your face, change what you mean. Sarcasm being defined as a way of displaying contempt for something, despite the wording seeming to be happy or positive. Ryan, being a very sarcastic person, rarely ever says what he means in what he says.

Ryan is sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor sometimes because when something positive happens, Ryan sometimes doesn’t believe that it really happened, or he’ll say he doesn’t deserve anything good. Ryan showed this when he was pulled into a college program his Junior year in high school, and said it was a fluke. He claimed he wasn’t smart enough, still does, despite the fact that he gets paid for working on campus in the field he wants to go into.

The fact that Ryan doesn’t really believe that anything good will happen for him comes from his low self-esteem. This stems from his depression and anxiety. He tried to commit suicide years ago, and was placed in a mental institution for a few days.

There it is, all the good and the bad of Ryan. This is what makes him Ryan Cheesemaker, the sarcastic hard worker who dreams of becoming a web coder. Anyone who knows him wouldn’t want him any other way, though.

The author's comments:

This is about my adoptive brother and one of my best friends, who has helped me through a lot of my issues and who I have helped through some of his (those he'd let me help with). 

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