Thank You, Vietnam Veteran | Teen Ink

Thank You, Vietnam Veteran

March 12, 2018
By Publius3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Publius3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Vietnam Vet,

A hero is a person who is admired and respected for their courage and noble qualities. Over time the word has become so broad that anyone could be a hero, but when I use “hero” to describe you, a veteran, I truly try to comprehend the true meaning behind hero. Your valor, determination and will power to stay strong through the length of your service are what I respect about you. It’s what makes you a hero to me, and I am thankful for your heroics in Vietnam.

My first experience learning about the tragic reception  you got coming home from Vietnam was last year, in US History. It was an idea that was foreign to me. Veterans are heroes whose courage and sacrifice that should be honored, I affirmed to myself. I couldn’t understand why our country would not respect our veterans, our heroes. It shows a lot that we have come a long way from when you came home, that the idea of veterans as heroes is so ingrained in me. We, Americans, humbly hope you accept our belated welcome home to you.

Welcome home. I know your arrival back home will be greeted with the open arms and fanfare it deserves. You are a veteran of this wonderful country, wonderful thanks to you, and your heroic service is appreciated. You made an incomparable sacrifice that shows incredible selflessness in enduring for the length of your service in Vietnam. I hold your stories and experiences in the highest regard, and I thank you for all that you lost so I could have the life I do.

I live in the greatest country in the world because of your sacrifice. You put yourself on the line and protected American values, values that have a profound impact on my life. So thank you, veteran, for your sacrifice. Your courage in the face of war,  is respected and admired. You are a hero.

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