Parent's Education | Teen Ink

Parent's Education

November 29, 2018
By Anonymous

My parent's education experience was a lot different than mine. My parents barely finished high school and they decided to come to America. My parents both dropped of high school and then got accepted to come to America. They both were very poor and had no education. My mom finished high school and started doing accounting before coming to America. My dad was very smart and he got very good grades until he figured out he was coming to America. Once coming to America they had lots of struggles from having to work 14 hours a day and also living in a house with four other families. Due to their lack of time, they had no time to learn at any schools. They learned most their English from speaking with others and, at the same time my dad learned Spanish while he was working at McDonald's and Burger King and my mom learned her english while she worked as a nurse.  My dad took classes at NOVA community college and learn some English there. My parent's education has really changed my outlook on learning. My parent's education has shaped how hard I work at school.

My mom was never good in school and could not understand the simple subjects that were taught in the ninth and tenth grade. She decided to drop out of high school and become a housekeeper and started helping her mom. All of her sisters followed her steps and dropped out of school to also help her mom. My dad lived in a small town so he got very high scores. Not many people cared about school because they mainly focused on their business. He then got married and came to America. He came to America and went to a community college in Ohio. Since my parents had this education, my sisters and I have tried to do our best. I have seen what can happen without education, so I want to make sure that I can have a better life with my education.

My parents both came in education through the American education system since they were kids. My grandparents were the last people to skip college and dropout of high school. My parent's education was simple and started here, in America. They went through elementary school, middle school, and high school. They then went to college and got their bachelor's degrees. After both of them got their degrees, they started to go straight into work. I followed my parent and went to college and then got my MBA.


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