Matt C, Caddy | Teen Ink

Matt C, Caddy

May 10, 2009
By Pat Cronin BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
Pat Cronin BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
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Matthew is a 17 year old caddy who is getting ready to head off to college on a Chick Evans Scholarship. The Evans Scholars Foundation administers the nation’s largest privately funded college scholarship program. Since 1930, over 8,600 deserving young caddies have earned their college degrees through Evans Scholarships. Today, more than 840 caddies attend college each year as Evans Scholars. The Evans Scholarship was founded by golf great Charles “Chick” Evans Jr. (1890-1979)
How did you find your job?
Well, my grandfather is a huge golfer. He has been encouraging me to pursue caddying for quite a while. I also needed money to help pay for college and some entertainment. White Eagle Golf Course is just across the street from my house and I soon found that they had a caddy program. I went through caddy training with one of my friends who was also looking to pursue caddying.
What are some benefits to your job?
There are many benefits to caddying. First of all, caddying helps improve social skills. Everyday I caddy I meet new people, whether it be golfers of other caddies. Secondly, the club allows caddies to golf and use the club pool for free on Mondays. During the summer theses are both great and free. Also, walking 18 holes a day helps my body. Physical activity is always great, especially when it is outside. Best of all, I was awarded the Chick Evans Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to superb caddies with outstanding academic achievement, excellent character and financial need. The scholarship pays for tuition, room and board.
How long have you been working in this field?
I have been caddying for two and a half years now. Golfing has been a hobby ever since I can remember. Each session of caddying lasts approximately four hours which is basically non-stop walking. I was ranked a “B” or beginner caddy my first year and an “A” or advanced caddy ever since.
What are a few negative aspects to your job?
My job is full of pleasure and excitement. However, there are a few negative aspects. Only select golfers like a caddy’s advice and help, these golfers tend to be more serious and wake up early in the morning. The morning hours only consist of a few tee times and it is usually very difficult to get out. This leads to competition and early morning wake-ups. Also, some golfers tend to be a little grumpy and are not very pleasant to be around. During a serious round of golf the golfers are there to play, especially during tournaments. A round full of moaning and complaining is often very stressful and long. Every round I put forward my best effort but some golfers expect more out of me. Golfers who do not think I did not do a good job or they are cheap tend to pay less. It can be very disappointing when I work for four hours and do not make the money you would like to.
What is your job environment like?
I work on a beautiful twenty-seven hole golf course. The course is called “White Eagle” and is located in Naperville, Illinois. The course is beautiful, well maintained and best of all outdoors.


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