Software Engineer Interview | Teen Ink

Software Engineer Interview

May 11, 2009
By NancyP PLATINUM, Aurora, Illinois
NancyP PLATINUM, Aurora, Illinois
26 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My dad is a 53 year old Software Engineer. He has over 25 years of expertise in his field. Among his clients are several well known companies in the U.S., Canada, and Poland.

What is your job?

I am a software engineer.

What do you do in your job?

In my job I design and implement software components for learning management systems, human resources application, and internet portals.

Why did you choose this job?

I chose this job because it is interesting, you have to do different things every day, and you have to learn new technology. I also chose it because your customers are happy when you do a good job, and they are grateful for what you did. The final reason I chose this job is because financially it is rewarding, and it is relatively easy to find a new job in this profession.

What education or special training does your job require?

This job requires a college degree in computer science or in engineering. Also knowledge of several different programming languages, database systems, and internet technologies is required.

What is the approximate salary of a software engineer?

Software engineers earn between $50,000 and $100,000 a year.

How long have you been doing your job?

I have been working 5 years for my current employer and over 10 years with previous employers in this profession.

Do you like your job? Why or why not?

Yes, I like my job because it is financially rewarding, and it helps people solving their technical problems. I also like it because there is not much time to be bored, and sometimes you can work from home by telecommuting.

Would you recommend this job to others? Why or why not?

Depending on an individuals personality I may recommend this job or not. If the person is very patient, detail oriented and doesn’t need a lot of human interface then yes, I would recommend this job. On the other hand if the person likes to talk a lot during the day discussing non-technical problems and can’t focus on one problem or is not patient enough then this job may not be for him.

What do you not like about your job?

I do not like ends of projects where there are a lot of things unresolved and the deadline is approaching and then new unresolved problems emerge.

Is your job hard? Why or why not?

Yes, my job can be hard because sometimes the solution to a problem is not always easy to find. You also have to use tools that are often not compatible with each other and sometimes contain bugs. Another thing that is hard about it is that you have to work around limitations of existing systems.

If there was another job you could choose instead of this one what would it be? Why?

I would like to be an artist in the video production industry because it gives you the opportunity to be creative and potentially a lot of people can see your work.


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