LGBTQ and A with OutRVA | Teen Ink

LGBTQ and A with OutRVA

October 1, 2021
By ONWashington BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
ONWashington BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With OutRVA’s Kevin Clay

What Do You Most Want To Tell LGBTQ+ Teens in RVA?

Richmond is a much more open place than you might think, it just depends where you look. We have a very thriving queer community that has been built over many decades of advocacy and hard work. Diversity Richmond, Side By Side, and Richmond Triangle Players are all organizations that have laid the foundation for teens today to be who they are. is the LGBTQ tourism campaign created by Richmond Region Tourism in partnership with community leaders. The program is now over ten years old and has helped put Richmond on the map globally as a welcoming destination for queer travelers. Through the website, we also tell the stories of locals and LGBTQ-owned businesses and share events happening throughout the community.

What Is Your Advice For Overcoming Identity Struggles?

Have a solid support network. I was very fortunate to have loving and open-minded parents when I came out at 17. I know that not every teen has that, so find a friend or family member you can confide in. Also, be open to seeking professional help if you have the resources.

What Is Your Advice For Making Friends In The Community?

Be who you are. If you are confident, people will be attracted to you and making friends will be a lot easier. Go to support groups and teen nights hosted by Side By Side or check out the Richmond LGBTQ events calendar on

What Is Your Perspective Like Now V.S. As A Teen?

When I was in high school, we didn’t have a queer student alliance -- it actually started one year after I graduated. I’m thankful that more teens have the resources I did not have.  Before I came out, it seemed like the biggest, scariest thing in the world. The world is a much more accepting place now.

What Is The Worst Part of Being “OUT” In RVA?

Not so much now, but when I was coming out of high school and in college, we didn’t have a very visible gay cultural scene. That’s progressed, but finding my place was definitely difficult.

What Is The Best Part of Being “OUT” In RVA?

Being a part of the LGBTQ community and watching it evolve over the past decade. With Richmond being a smaller town, you can really make a big difference just by being “out” and advocating for yourself and other LGBTQ people.

What Is Something You Wish Someone Told You As A Teen?

Being who you are is always okay and you are loved no matter what.


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