Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish | Teen Ink

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

June 16, 2022
By SamanthaXie GOLD, Guangzhou, Other
SamanthaXie GOLD, Guangzhou, Other
10 articles 3 photos 0 comments

#1. Don't follow the crowd. Be yourself

As a graduate of the AP&AL International Program of Guangzhou Foreign School in 2017, Sibei has always been described by teachers as an outgoing, good communicator, independent and thoughtful student. After making her acquaintance, I found that she lived up to her reputation. Her academic journey from six years in the Guangzhou Foreign Language School to the three years at the University of California, Berkeley, ending with her admission to Stanford University as a graduate student, deserves much credit.

"Follow your heart, don't go with the flow" is the belief Sibei has been adhering to. She is keen on hearing different perspectives but is reluctant to conform to them. At the beginning of primary school, she has deemed an exceptional student and was subsequently recommended to the district key middle school. She did not lose momentum, and after she visited the Guangzhou Foreign Language School, she was resolute in her decision to study there. Through hard work and sheer determination, she became a student in the Middle School of the Guangzhou Foreign Language School.

After entering high school, Sibei was adamant about following her inner voice. She was instantly attracted to the beauty of Stanford University after her visit. She further consulted the website and learned about the summer school; this presented her with the opportunity to rub shoulders with famous professors and undergraduate students. Owing to numerous reasons she planted the ‘seeds’ of Stanford in her heart. Moreover, given her poor language grades, she did not have much of a choice in summer schools. Her teacher suggested that she should apply to other schools to be on the safe side; however, she stuck to the Stanford summer school. Sheer persistence and determination led her to her admission to her dream school.

Sibei was earnestly making preparations to study at Stanford when a message disrupted her impetus. Owing to her late application, Sibei was told that the campus accommodation was full and that minors were not allowed to rent off-campus housing. Sibei was depressed but eventually garnered the strength to find a solution. She pleaded and relentlessly made calls to delineate her situation. Owing to her unabated nature, she finally managed to obtain a room in the campus accommodation.

In junior high school, she chose to study at the Guangzhou Foreign Language School instead of the recommended school. In high school, she spared no effort in trying to secure admission to the Summer School. Sibei had always believed in her instincts and believed in herself when she chose her graduate major.

After graduating from Berkeley in mathematics, she chose to pursue "educational data Science" as her major when most people thought she would go down the math pathway. Studying mathematics and science is a guarantee of securing employment in Google, Facebook, Apple, and other well-known conglomerates. Some people believe that a math graduate studying education is the wrong choice. However, Sibei thinks that one should have the determination and courage to stick to their beliefs, follow their passion and nurture their talent, despite adversity. Although many people believed that the education-related major was the wrong choice, Sibei thought that the major of educational data Science complimented her math background. After comprehensive research, she decided to go on with her choice. This "passion for the education technology industry" impressed the admissions officer and enabled her to be admitted to Stanford University during the graduate application process.

Although the two words "be yourself" seem easy to say, they still choose to be steadfast in themselves when there is not enough support around. This is an exceptional quality, and it is also the most remarkable trait in Sibei.

#2. You got a dream; go for it

Her time at Stanford summer school was a very fulfilling experience. After classes, she went swimming, played tennis, and went rock climbing. She reaffirmed her belief that Stanford University was the best place for her.

The one regret she has was that she was not persistent enough to apply to Stanford University. During the tedious undergraduate application period, she thought her chances were slim and ended up not applying. She said during an interview that if she could go back in time, she would have applied for Stanford regardless of the results.

#3. Life at Berkeley

Due to the pandemic, she took three years to complete a four-year undergraduate course. "Taking online courses is inefficient and a waste of time, so I chose to graduate early instead of planning to graduate in three years," Sibei said.

"The advantage of the freshman and sophomore years is that you can try and experience a variety of different courses and activities," she said. "If everything is done according to the plan, the fun of exploring the unknown will be missed.” She took many courses that piqued her curiosity during this period, such as astronomy, art history, music, etc. Although most of these courses are irrelevant to her major, she can nevertheless gain knowledge across different fields.
Sibei has her own opinions regarding course selection. Students will usually look for classes from professors who are willing to give them a high grade to get a good GPA. Compared with the tight grades given by professors, she paid more attention to the class itself. "I care about whether I can acquire knowledge. In my opinion, 'paddling' is a more serious loss than 'low GPA' because time is wasted." Before choosing a course, she scrutinizes the syllabus for each class on the website and then spends the first three weeks listening to all the classes she might take before making a final decision. Only when she likes the course and the professor can she have a stronger desire to learn and be more motivated. She wants to look back on her college years as an experience, not a result of a series of numbers.

"Berkeley is a very liberal, open, inclusive, democratic place. Professors postpone exams because students sign-on, groups of students march around the school gates, and the intense brainstorming in class can make you think in a new way."

Coupled with her academic life, "EPIC@Berkeley" is also something Sibei has been doing and wants to spread. It is an educational innovation community rooted at the University of California, Berkeley, connecting China and Silicon Valley. It gathers innovative individuals, organizations, and enterprises in the field of education. It is committed to providing a platform for Chinese and American college students to enter the education industry, feel educational innovation firsthand and connect to social resources.

#4. Give play to your strengths and realize yourself

Sibei strongly disagrees with the practice of "grading only." Grades are not the only criterion to judge a person. She encourages every student to actively and diligently pursue their passion and dig out their vocations. Nowadays, many students are trapped in the "inner volume" and feel anxious because of the increasing competitive pressure. She believes that as long as you find your direction, have a clear understanding of the future, foster strengths and avoid weaknesses, and keep moving toward the goal, your dream will come true.

Sibei wants to say: Long ago, I saw the principal of Tsinghua University, who shared his words with the graduates at the graduation ceremony. I still remember them well, and I want to share them with you here: "In the future world, the direction is more important than hard work, the ability is more important than knowledge, health is more important than grades, life is more important than diplomas, and EQ is more important than IQ."

Always believe, always love!

The author's comments:

Sibei Zhang

Middle School: Guangzhou Foreign Language School

Senior High School: Guangzhou Foreign Language School AP&AL International curriculum

Undergraduate: Applied Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley

Graduate: Educational Data Science, Stanford University



Mingqing (Samantha)


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