The Key to Physical Balance | Teen Ink

The Key to Physical Balance

February 12, 2024
By Nicole0924 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Nicole0924 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A car honks. Are your socks matching? Toast burns. What’s for dinner? The light flashes red: break, don’t break. 

“The key to physical balance is mental balance,” says Grace Kaczmarek, a student-athlete, “they…go hand in hand.”

Kaczmarek has played sports for nearly 13 years. Throughout her lifetime, she has played soccer, t-ball, gymnastics, golf, basketball, and swam—oftentimes juggling two sports during one season. 

In a world full of chaos, how do we maintain composure? Is physical balance genetic or can it be learned? Is mental balance possible?

As a student-athlete, it's important for Kaczmarek to stay organized. “I have to make sure I’m on top of everything…everything is separated and accounted for.” She has a separate section in her notes, to keep track of test and quiz dates—allowing her to lower anxiety regarding school and sports. 

It’s important to keep track of important dates in a calendar. Writing a list is the first step when completing tasks. Check the calendar everyday to see what needs to be done. The thoughts in your mind are like a teeter totter. However, when you clear the thought, your brain becomes steady. 

In her free time, Kaczmarek lifts weights in the weight room. She balances on her left foot, holding a 15 pound dumbbell in her right hand. Having mastered physical and mental balance, she is able to squat. Kaczmarek states the solution is to “point your toes straight and clear your mind.” 

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