Jennifer Stone Q&A | Teen Ink

Jennifer Stone Q&A

July 16, 2009
By Narges BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Narges BRONZE, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I got the chance to interview Disney star Jennifer Stone, you may know her as Harper, Alex Russo’s childish and fun loving best friend on the Disney Channel original show, Wizards of Waverly Place. She has busy life going from photo shoots, movie premieres, award shows, interviews, fans meetings, and filming, we were lucky enough to have her be, so nice to take sometime out of her busy schedule to give me this quick interview, on her life, wizards, and much more. I hope you enjoy my interview with this talented actress.

Narges: Hello, so how is your day going so far?

Jennifer Stone: It is going just fine. Thank you for asking.

Narges: First start off by introducing yourself.

Jennifer Stone: Well hello, I am Jennifer Stone and I am an actress.

Narges: So, how did you get started in the acting business?

Jennifer Stone: I got started when I was six in local theatre in Texas, where I am from.

Narges: What is your favorite part about being an actress?

Jennifer Stone: Becoming different people. It is kind of like being a snake. You get the opportunity to shed your skin to take on a new one.

Narges: How did you get the role of Harper on “Wizards of Waverly Place?”

Jennifer Stone: I had worked previously with Disney on a project that didn’t pan out. I was fortunate enough that they kept me in mind for future projects and Wizards was one of them.

Narges: Tells us about your character Harper?

Jennifer Stone: Harper is a highly strung, creative gal. She loves dressing accordingly to an extreme and she is pretty passionate when it comes to her interests and she is confident about it too.

Narges: Are you like Harper at all?

Jennifer Stone: I am in the sense that we both get super excited over things that seem odd to others.

Narges: How are thing on the wizards set?

Jennifer Stone: They are great! It’s like hanging out with your friends all day.

Narges: What has been your favorite episode of the show so far?

Jennifer Stone: That is such a difficult question to answer! I really enjoyed making an episode coming up about silent movies.

Narges: So you’re filming the “Wizards of Waverly Place Movie,” how has that been?

Jennifer Stone: I haven’t actually started filming yet. I fly out tomorrow to join the rest of the cast. So I’ll get back to you on that one.

Narges: Can you tell us a little bit about the movie’s plot?

Jennifer Stone: All I will tell you is that the majority of the movie doesn’t take place in New York like the show does.

Narges: Besides the movie, do you have any new projects you are or will be working on?

Jennifer Stone: I did an episode of Phineas and Pherb. I also did a reading for the book on tape of an upcoming book called, Freaky Monday.

Narges: If you could be a super hero, who would you be?

Jennifer Stone: Oooh good one! I would actually love to be Poison Ivy from Batman. I know she’s not exactly a hero, but she was always my favorite comic book character.

Narges: What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working?

Jennifer Stone: Watching the work of actors and actresses I admire.

Narges: Is it hard to balance your normal life and with your acting?

Jennifer Stone: Not really, you just make sure there is a definite difference between your work and your life.

Narges: Thank you so much for being here today and doing this interview with us!

Jennifer Stone: Thank you! Have a wonderful rest of the day!


This article has 1 comment.

HOPEMVP said...
on Sep. 8 2009 at 8:18 am
I love this actress as well.