Troublemaker of the Debate Team | Teen Ink

Troublemaker of the Debate Team

January 11, 2010
By Lauren Messenger PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Lauren Messenger PLATINUM, Nashotah, Wisconsin
26 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jordan, a 16-year-old junior in High School, is active and passionate about the school’s debate team.

Participating in seven debates so far in her career, she recalls her favorite memory as going to Madison with the team.

“It was probably the craziest night of my life,” says Jordan, recollecting the trip.

Although the team stayed for solely one night, she says her and her friends on the team caused a “ruckus.”

When the debates weren’t taking place, the team had time to relax…or in Jordan’s and her friends’ case, cause trouble. She fondly recalls the memories of “accidentally” setting off the fire alarm in the elevator of the team’s hotel.

Along with accidentally setting off the fire alarm, she says they had a “funny” dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings where she encountered intoxicated college students.

Adding to the fake fire drill and interesting dinner date, what she remembers most are her run-ins with two homeless men. She remembers one outside her hotel, and one inside. She recalls one telling her his “life story” and about his times in Vietnam.

Though she did not win an award for the debates this trip, she has the memory of a wild night in Madison she won’t forget.


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