Donuts for a Good Cause | Teen Ink

Donuts for a Good Cause

January 11, 2010
By Anonymous

Forgot your breakfast at home? No need to worry. Every Friday in September, the social studies department is selling Krispy Kreme donuts for one dollar. The money made from the donuts will help WWII veterans see their memorials in Washington, DC.

The idea of this fundraiser came from Ron R., a social studies teacher. “I got the idea from reading an article. An organization called Honor Flight has been sending WWII vets to DC to view the memorials. There are about two to three veterans who are dying every day. Even here, I see two to three vets dying every day. I then decided that we could start doing it. It’s a charity that everyone can be behind.”

This is the second year the social studies department has been fundraising. In only two weeks this year, the Social Studies department has raised $437. Their hope is to raise at least $1,500 by the end of this month.


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