The Man With the Afro | Teen Ink

The Man With the Afro

January 11, 2010
By Ryan Thomson SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Ryan Thomson SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s voluptuous, full of body, and makes the chicks go crazy.” says Trevor of his unique, black afro. Trevor, 18, and a senior in high school has been growing out his hair since 3rd grade.

“When I go to get my hair cut, I request that they take off no more than one inch” says Trevor fearful of falling asleep during the haircut and losing it all.

Trevor’s hair is definitely noticed in public. Random strangers have come up to him and said that they love his hair. In one instance last winter, while working at Pick’n Save, a couple shopping came up to Trevor and said that they saw him at Claim Jumpers restaurant eating, and remember him because they commented to themselves on his luscious locks.

With high school coming to an end, Trevor is planning on attending UW-Madison and his window to the future is starting to become a little clearer. Trevor wants to be a teacher or a newspaper editor and although both jobs are going to be stressful, he probably won’t need any Rogaine.

The author's comments:
I interviewed the person who the article is about.


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