Managment Material | Teen Ink

Managment Material

April 21, 2010
By Anonymous

I sat down and had a chat with one Ms. Patty Y. about her position as a director to help shed some light on this rarely thought of job and as it turns out it is essential to Blue Cross and Blue Shield as well as some other large businesses. A professional such as she is truly wonderful if not inspiring.

What is your current job and what do you do?
Director of Blue Distinction Business Execution; Manage a staff that's responsible to provide transplant support services to hospitals and Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans, (which are independent insurance companies). I also manage the staff responsible for developing communications and marketing materials for the Blue Distinction Program, and finally act as an inter-divisional liaison to ensure that Blue distinction operational, financial and marketing needs are achieved.

What training is needed for your job?
It's expected to have at a minimum, reached a Masters degree level of education, have a deep understanding of the health insurance industry, including at least a PAHM certification, learn various software products such as MS-Office, MS-Project, Cognos, etc.,

What opportunities has your job given you?
Opportunities include developing stronger professional networks and dealing with people all over the United States..

What do you think of the future for your Field?
The future of health insurance includes many changes, but it is certainly going to continue to grow, especially in my specialty which is centered around identifying and encouraging quality health care that saves lives and ultimately helps bend the cost curve of health care overall.

What are some issues you face?
Limited resources, increasing demands from customers, and tight deadlines

Could you explain some of the freedoms you have in this job?
I can work from home one day a week, I have some flexibility in my start and end times as well as determining my daily priorities based on my corporate objectives.

When you were little what was your dream job?
Newspaper reporter

Has your job ever conflicted with your family and vice versa?
Balancing work and home is always a challenge both compete against each other. I have turned down promotions and other opportunities to be with my family and in the reverse there have been many times I was not able to be with family when I wanted or should have been because of work commitments.

Where do you get to travel while on the job if at all?
This job does not require travel, however in the same industry but different positions I have traveled extensively in the Northeast and a few trips to California, Arizona, Texas, Maryland, and Florida,

The author's comments:
i wrote this about my mom cuz i never really understood her... she was always stressed and now i know why! i recommend any child should interview their parents!


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