Roslyn Receives First Place at the Long Island Ethics Bowl- Interview With Penny Namdog | Teen Ink

Roslyn Receives First Place at the Long Island Ethics Bowl- Interview With Penny Namdog

April 28, 2010
By N.Sweet GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
N.Sweet GOLD, Roslyn Heights, New York
10 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I figure life's a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You don't know what hand you're gonna get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes to you, to make each day count." -- Jack Dawson, Titanic

A few weeks ago, the first annual Long Island Ethics Bowl was held. Sixteen schools got the chance to participate and debate controversial issues. Roslyn High School, which had never participated in an Ethics Bowl before, quickly pulled together a team to compete. Everyone was both shocked and impressed when they beat Bethpage and earned first place.
Penny Namdog, a freshman at Roslyn High School, is a current member of the Roslyn Ethics Bowl team. Prior to this, Penny has competed in both Student and Model Congress. She is extremely successful in these events, qualifying for the State Championship in the Catholic Forensics League and receiving first place at a Columbia University event. She took the time to be interviewed about the logistics and experience of the Ethics Bowl.

Q: Where and when was the Ethics Bowl?

A: The Ethics Bowl was Saturday, April 10 at Bethpage High School.

Q: What other students were on your team? How did you get along?

A: The other students on my team were Olive Attenoc, Ari Nodrog, Issy Rehsif, and Timothy Reblis. I am involved with these students in my clubs, so we worked together very well.

Q: What are some other schools that competed in the Ethics Bowl?

A: Other schools that competed in the Ethics Bowl were Bethpage, Amityville, Syosset, and more.

Q: How were you picked for the Ethics Bowl?

A: It was a volunteer opportunity. They needed another student to be involved in the five person team. The teachers who ran it asked me if it was something I would be interested in, and of course I agreed to participate.

Q: What were your thoughts when you found out that you were chosen?

A: I was really excited because Roslyn had never gone to an Ethics Bowl before, so I would be able to be a part of the first ever Roslyn Ethics Bowl team.

Q: What preparation was needed?

A: We had to read the cases in advance and do some prior research in order to expand our knowledge on the topics we would have to debate.

Q: Is this something you have been doing for a long time? What is your prior experience like?

A: I have never participated in an Ethics competition before, but it as relatively similar to Model Congress or Student Congress. I have been to several competitions for both Model and Student Congress and have been successful.

Q: How was the competition set up? (ex. Were you competing against one team at a time with a judge?)

A: All five students on my team competed together and we faced off agianst one team at a time. There were three of four judges per round. The rounds consisted of two preliminary rounds, semifinals, and finals.

Q: What were some ethical problems that you discussed?

A: We discussed problems such as whether women should be paid for their housework; whether creationism should be taught in public school; and if it is ethical for a woman to auction her virginity.

Q: Were you able to take notes or did you have to speak from the top of your head?

A: I had some prior knowledge but I made the points up off the top of my head.

Q: Did you find this difficult or challenging?

A: I found it neither difficult nor challenging because I enjoy this type of competition.

Q: What were the other teams like in comparison to Roslyn?

A: Bethpage A was very good. We competed against them twice (during prelims and finals). The other teams were very good as well.

Q: What was your, and the other team members, reaction to getting first place?

A: We started laughing hysterically because we had not expected to make it past the preliminary rounds. However, we definitely deserved the award as we worked very well together.

Q: Is this something you would want to do again? Why?

A: I am looking forward to participating again next year because it incorporated public speaking, one of my favorite hobbies.


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