Interview Contest Submission | Teen Ink

Interview Contest Submission

June 27, 2010
By Lena99 BRONZE, Larkspur, California
Lena99 BRONZE, Larkspur, California
1 article 1 photo 1 comment

The SF Giants, 6/15/10

Jeremy Affeldt, Pitcher
Q: How do you cope with nervousness before a game?
A: The nervousness I feel before a game just translates into focus. The butterflies every athlete feels becomes focus, and it's a mentality that helps when you're preparing for a game. I see it as, if I'm not nervous for a game, then it's not a game worth playing.
Q: And how do you focus playing in a stadium full of thousands of screaming fans?
A: You just can't pay attention to the fans - there's too much distraction.
Q: What is the best advice you've ever gotten and that you still hold true?
A: Well, this is pretty cliché, but it's to never give up. People are going to try to push you down, but you can't let that affect you. You have to let the controllables be the controllables and the uncontrollables be the uncontrollables.

Joe Martinez, Pitcher
Q: What is your favorite aspect of the game?
A: It would have to be being able to play the game as a job. That's a pretty good job.
Q: What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
A: That'd have to be... if you work hard, you can get good results. You have to push yourself.

Rich Aurilla, Former Player
Q: What was the proudest moment of your pro-baseball career?
A: Probably going to the World Series in 2002; yeah, that was a great experience.

Bruce Bochy, SF Giants Manager
Q: What has been the proudest moment of your career?
A: Getting called up to the Majors; it was on July 19, 1978 that I was called up. It was a foreign feeling for that to happen.
Q: What's your favorite part about managing the Giants?
A: Oh, just managing a great group of guys.
Q: And your favorite part about being a manager?
A: Once the game starts, it's great to actually manage the game and what's going on.

Pablo Sandoval, Third Baseman
Q: How do you deal with nervousness before a game?
A: There are no nerves.
Q: Do you have any hidden talents besides baseball?
A: Yeah. Soccer [laughs].

The author's comments:
I write for a local kids-for-kids newspaper called Fast Forward, and had the opportunity to go to the SF Giants baseball dugout and interview the athletes. I went with other teen writers as well, and it was amazing to be able to talk to professional athletes! This transcript includes only the questions I asked the athletes, no questions that my fellow writers asked. There are several different athletes I interviewed in the transcript.
It was intimidating, but generally I thrive in an interview setting and have interviewed celebrities Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried as well. I would love to be able to do a celebrity interview for Teen Ink! That would truly be the best. Teen Ink, PICK ME!


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