Jordy Plays His Best | Teen Ink

Jordy Plays His Best

November 26, 2012
By Anonymous

Jordy, a sophomore at University of Lacrosse, plays division 3 football. Jordy went to the University Of Minnesota Twin Cities for his freshman year. He chose to go there for academic reasons. He did not play sports at Twin Cities.

Jordy played in four sports every year of high school.

“My favorite sport in high school was for sure Football. I was played on the varsity team since sophomore year and I knew I wanted to play in college,” says Jordy.

Jordy says his freshman year at Minnesota was a lot like a normal college experience. He didn’t play any sports and focused mostly all of his time on academics. But at the end of his freshman year, he realized how much he missed playing a sport. He then looked into colleges and found that Lacrosse was the college for him.

Jordy now starts on the Lacrosse football team as a linebacker. He also plays on special teams. Although he is considered a sophomore academically, in the sports field, he is considered a freshman.

“I love the feeling of finally being able to be on the field again. It didn’t feel right to not be playing a sport,” says Jordy.

Going from high school to college, it is a big step and harder classes. This is the same for sports as well.

Jordy says, “Practices are harder and longer. Sometimes they can be up to 4 hours and depending on the day, we sometimes even have two a days.”

Although Jordy went from a division 1 school to a division 3 school, he says it was a good idea on his part because he ended up changing his major and the major he wanted is at Lacrosse.

“I make sure to keep up academically first because in the end, I am in college for schooling not sports. But I love football and can’t wait to see what’s in store for me the next four years,” says Jordy.

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