Teen suicide | Teen Ink

Teen suicide

January 8, 2014
By tiataylor BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
tiataylor BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine if every teenager, quiet and nice, tried to commit suicide. Think how these teens felt while they were killing themselves, were they feeling embarrassed, ashamed, awkward. What if a girl in your class was cutting herself and planning to commit suicide and you knew that she was going to and you still didn’t try to stop her and that day that girl went home and just killed herself. Wouldn’t you feel guilty by not saying anything to anyone.

Why do teens commit suicide?
Why do they cut themselves?
Why do they overdose on prescribed drugs?
These are questions a lot of people don’t think about, but these are questions people should start thinking about.

How do you feel about teen suicide?
Why do you think its a big issue?
How should people help teens that are going through this, How can we help stop it?

I spoke to 8th grader Hayley and this is what she had to say about the questions I asked, It’s a very big issue but not a lot of people know about or help it and people hide being depressed but being depressed leads to suicide. It’s a big issue because studies show its a issue with our generation. We can help by giving depression medicine but medicine doesn’t always help so also they could get therapy and also ask the teens questions because teens will deny they are depressed or suicidal and say nothing is wrong.

According to Max (8th grader) this is what he thought about the questions above, I think teen suicide is depressing and sad. I think its a big issue because there is a lot of bullying and teens want to get away from it. Also teens may not feel good about themselves. We can help by stopping bullying and we could provide more mental support like therapy.

In conclusion, why are teens doing this to themselves? Why are people not helping these teens that are going through this? Why do these teens want to do this? ¨ Ask the teens questions because teens will deny they are depressed or suicidal and say nothing is wrong.¨ People should provide more help for these teens that are trying to commit suicide.

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