“A positive attitude everyday” | Teen Ink

“A positive attitude everyday”

April 7, 2014
By Anonymous

My mom left me at a young age and my grandma has been there for me ever since. My grandma, Debralee, plays a very big part in my life and I look up to her for everything I do. I believe that her legacy is staying positive in everything she does. She's always helping her family and making sure they are okay.

“I try to make sure my family is happy and healthy.” This is my grandmother's primary goal in life and in my opinion she has succeeded so far. She makes dinner for the family every night, is always willing to take me to a friends house no matter how far away, and takes care of me when I am sick.

When my dad and my uncles were young, my grandpa went to Korea for a year because he was in the military. This left my grandma in a tough situation having to take care of three boys on her own, taking them to soccer, working a full time job, and going back to school all at the same time. “When Papa left to go overseas Nana was stuck with the responsibility of me and my two brothers and I just remember her having a hard time taking care of us, but she stuck it out,” This is my dad's fondest memory of my grandma.

My grandma is a very strong woman because of what she did. My dad expressed his opinion in this response “The qualities in her that stick out to me are just her strength and her perseverance.”

My grandma has really impacted me in my life. When I was about five years old my mom and dad got divorced and my mom moved away. This was a very hard time for me but my grandma has been there for me every step of the way. I value her strength and the things she has done for my dad and my uncles. I look up to her everyday and if I'm going through hard times I just think that if she can do it, I can do it, too. She always tells me to do everything with a positive attitude and you will get the results you want.

The author's comments:
My Grandma has influenced me very much in my life.

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