Hard Work | Teen Ink

Hard Work

April 7, 2014
By haydnndaboss BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
haydnndaboss BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I chose Beth L. who is my mom as my main subject. She had a typical childhood, middle class family that grew up in New York. Her family ate dinner together every night. Her family did many things together; they played sports, they went camping, and more activities. She had the same friends from Kindergarten through High School. All her friends played sports. When she was younger she wanted to live in New York City and wanted to be famous doing either acting or singer even though she can’t do any of that!

In High School my mom always admired the older girls, she wanted to have the same stuff they did. My mother loved school, she liked always being with her friends and the education part as well. When she was growing up her family was crazy. They were a small family so it was easy to tell when someone was mad at each other. Her and her brother were the youngest in the family so they didn’t have people their age to hang out with. Both her parents were very religious.

“My family was crazy.” My mother’s family growing up was crazy. Her brother was always getting into trouble and I think without her crazy family she wouldn’t be the same person she is today. She wouldn’t know how to deal with me and my brother when we get crazy. This definitely impacted her and helped her for the future. I think one of the reasons she loved school so much was because she wanted to get away from her family.

“I loved going to school and seeing all my friends.” She loved school because she got to be with her friends and she enjoyed her classes. She played many different sports, she said it sports were always fun because the teams were not that competitive so she could sit a year out and then still be able to play the next year.

“Always try your best when you step on that court.” My mom always encouraged me to when I go onto the basketball court that I play hard every second. This helped me because if I don’t then after the game she’ll get all disappointed in me and it’s really annoying when she starts talking to me about it.

The legacy of my mother is how hard she works and all the sacrifices she makes for me and our family. She always puts other people’s needs ahead of her’s even when their not even that important. Her impact has a huge impact on me. I see how hard she works everyday and it makes me want to work just as hard as her. It inspires me to do better and be better.

The author's comments:
my mom.

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