Local Teen to Change Lives | Teen Ink

Local Teen to Change Lives

July 12, 2014
By RayneH. SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
RayneH. SILVER, Columbus, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your life isn't about you; it's about what you do with it."

Watching Dahara throughout the day, you might not guess that she's got it in her future to change lives.

She dresses casually and keeps her dark hair tied back in a loose bun. Her brown eyes sparkle with laughter as she jokes and laughs with her classmates who can't help but love her fun, easygoing nature.

Like many other 17-year olds, Dahara dreams of becoming a singer and musician. But what makes her any different than the countless other hopefuls? Dahara doesn't want to sing for the industry's top professionals or to a packed out arena. “All I want in life is to reach out to someone (through music). I don't care who listens. I just want to change one life with my music”, she says. Not many other musicians would be satisfied to play for an audience of one, but if that one walked away a new person, then that's all the satisfaction Dahara needs.

Born with a natural inclination towards music, Dahara taught herself to read music and play the guitar without ever taking music lessons. She describes her musical style as pop/jazzy blues, which is inspired by such artists as Jessie J and Stevie Wonder. In her free time, you might catch her listening to John Mayer, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Bon Iver, Eminem, or Birdie. She is very focused as she has already laid out her musical goals for the near future saying “I'd like to have a stronger base in music, learn to play more instruments, and strengthen my vocal range.”

But life hasn't always been this positive for Dahara. Two-and-a-half years ago she was ready to give up on everything. “I was going through some really tough times figuring out who I was and what I wanted,” she explains. “I got into some bad things that I shouldn't have been doing and it was starting to become a habit.” What brought her back from those hard times was a song; 'Who You Are' by Jessie J. That particular song carries a very strong message about being true to yourself. “It's very personal”, Dahara says. “When I heard it, something in me just clicked. It suddenly reminded me of the passion I had for music. That song saved my life”

It was that experience that helped Dahara to realize the full influence that music could have in life. “It's amazing how three-and-a-half minutes of melody and lyrics can change your life. I want to reach out to people through music. I want to change lives.” You can see the sincere honesty reflected in her eyes whenever she speaks of her desire to reach out to others.

Dahara's passion doesn't stop at just music though, she also loves animals. With a desire to take care of and bond with animals, she plans to study a form of animal science in college. “There's just something so beautiful about a tiger sitting in a field of empty grassland, or a herd of zebras munching on grass”, she expresses.

You might wonder where Dahara learned such benevolence. Looking at her role models, you'd understand. Her role model in the music industry, Stevie Wonder, is a big inspiration to her. “ He is living proof that there is nothing that can stop you from doing what you love. If I could sing a duet with anyone, it would probably be Stevie Wonder.” Her role model in life in general is Jesus Christ. She says, “He's done cool things. He changed and saved people. He's awesome.”

As a christian, faith is a big part of Dahara's life. “At the end of a long day, I like to go home and read a little scripture, pray to God, and ask him to give me strength and wisdom in my decision making. I thank him a lot for what he's given me and blessed me with.” Every Sunday morning you'll find Dahara and her family at church together hearing from The Word.

Besides faith, family is also an important part of Dahara's life. She stays close with her father, mother, brothers, and sister. “My mother tells me to always believe in myself; she's my biggest supporter of my music”, Dahara shares. “My older brother and sister (who are twenty-two-year old twins) helped me so much with getting back on my feet and pushing and encouraging my to do what I love.”

Her favorite scripture verse, Matthew 19:26, says that “With God all things are possible”. “I love this verse because it reminds me that no matter how impossible the odds may seem, with God by my side, I can do anything!” With that being said, one day you just might buy a CD by Dahara and walk away a new person.

The author's comments:
I interviewed one of my friends for what started out as a school projected and ended up as a way to better get to know each other.


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