Heroes | Teen Ink


September 5, 2014
By dogo08 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
dogo08 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"life goes on"

As we are driving into our garage from target, a few months ago my father raises his hand a says “We had a successful trip” . My father does many things that surprises me in a good way when I see him act and resolve problems. My father is a large man with dinosaur arms. My father surprises me by being shy, caring and neurotic.

My father has been avoiding family get togethers for as long as I have lived because he is shy. He doesn't avoid his main family though. My Mother would walk in to talk to him and say “My parents say our family could spend Thanksgiving with them” father would come up with some excuse “I have things to do that day and the car is needing a oil change”. We all knew it was a lie but there would be nothing we could do he would just make up more excuses. At stores my father would tell me “don't go into the bread section” I would ask “why” “A coworker of mine his here I don't want to talk to her. I said ok knowing if I got him into a conversation I would not hear the end of it. My father hates seeing other people because he is shy.

My Father is caring. I would wake up sunday mornings knowing my father was not home. My father would go see my grandmother every sunday morning. Grandmother is getting old and can't walk well so she needs help because she is very old. One day a few months ago my grandmother fell and went to the hospital. My father went to the hospital all day instead of working he cared for her more than work. He will ask me “What do you need from the store” father would ask all of us many times until he left for his weekly trip to target to get food for the house I would be asleep when he went being it was in the morning. If my father learned you wanted something you would most likely have it in the house in no time. One time I said I wanted gum in the house the next day it was there. My father cared for all the people he loved very grately.

Neurotic is the trait that mostly shows who he is. “down down down” my father would say this to make sure he remember he shut the garage down everyday. If he did not do it we would have to drive back to make sure it was shut most the time when we go back its shut. I remember going back to check all kinds of things like if the oven was on, coffee machine was still plugged in, and if we left any lights on he deemed not needed to be left on. “that could/should have been prevented” is my fathers favorite saying. He would say this when we spill or make a mess eating. sometimes he can not even watch us eat because he would be too nervous of us making a mess. My father may be neurotic but this will help shape me.

My father is a great person. He makes me think twice when making decisions. Being shy, caring, and neurotic really helps me see the character I want to be when I am older caring but not too social and cautious. “down down down down”


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