Old America vs New America | Teen Ink

Old America vs New America

September 12, 2014
By Anonymous

Throughout the course of your life you hear about adults talking about their childhood in America before things gone down the toilet, but to me growing up now I would think that I am living somewhat of a quintessential American life as a teenager, well I’ve seen That 70’s Show and there version of an American teenhood converting into an American dream life; well at least the screen writers version at least, and since it’s TV I automatically assume that it’s fake but until now I finally realize that it was a true part of an American dream to also have an American childhood/ adolescence/ young adult life.

Mr. Krier began to give me an insight on how it was to be a kid in America in the 60’s and 70’s so I could begin to dive deeper into this old school American childhood vs a modern American childhood. Mr Krier was born on May 20, 1954 on a farm on the outskirts of Philadelphia, by the time the 1960 rolled around Mr. K was 6 and even then like every other kid/teen he had an interest in music, but then again who didn’t, “I had a typical white middle class life growing up” as he would put it. Being that he grew up on a farm surrounded by other farms and a forest he had a great deal of space to play tag with all the other kids his age and play fort battle, but that wasn’t his only goodwill brought upon him.

As he grew, his interest in music grew as well to the point of where he will ride his bike on a 20-25 mile journey going to and back in total to Sears just listen to the latest single that was released and even took up a paper boy job to pay for his Beatles albums and his talents didn’t end there. Mr. Krier in middle school He played multiple sports including football, baseball, wreastling and other activities while still being considered “one of the smart kids.” And with time middle school passed as well as high school now Mr. K is 22 with the rest of his life facing him; he now lives abroad in Germany as a newlywed with his wife, attending college, learning to speak German from multiple places, and taking shifts at a factory. Now being that it’s his life and if he planned it to go that way is not my concern, but in a way he began his American Dream with an American childhood, well his dream was to be married and be successful and he is married and even though now he not the president of the united states and a teacher he is responsible for students' education and it seems like what he is doing is successful. Now in comparison to generation, childhood his generation could have benefited from having Google to look anyone or anything that they didn’t know and could learn about them or it, but with his generation it’s still the stereotypical American childhood that will lead to the American dream because not just his generation had more freedom but he still had a smart head on his shoulder.

Throughout the course of your life you hear about adults talking about their childhood in America before things gone down the toilet, but to me growing up now I would think that I am living somewhat of a quintessential American life as a teenager, well I’ve seen That 70’s Show and there version of an American teenhood converting into an American dream life; well at least the screen writers version at least, and since it’s TV I automatically assume that it’s fake but until now I finally realize that it was a true part of an American dream to also have an American childhood/ adolescence/ young adult life. Mr. Krier began to give me an insight on how it was to be a kid in America in the 60’s and 70’s so I could begin to dive deeper into this old school American childhood vs a modern American childhood. Mr Krier was born on May 20, 1954 on a farm on the outskirts of Philadelphia, by the time the 1960 rolled around Mr. K was 6 and even then like every other kid/teen he had an interest in music, but then again who didn’t, “I had a typical white middle class life growing up” as he would put it. Being that he grew up on a farm surrounded by other farms and a forest he had a great deal of space to play tag with all the other kids his age and play fort battle, but that wasn’t his only goodwill brought upon him. As he grew, his interest in music grew as well to the point of where he will ride his bike on a 20-25 mile journey going to and back in total to Sears just listen to the latest single that was released and even took up a paper boy job to pay for his Beatles albums and his talents didn’t end there. Mr. Krier in middle school He played multiple sports including football, baseball, wreastling and other activities while still being considered “one of the smart kids.” And with time middle school passed as well as high school now Mr. K is 22 with the rest of his life facing him; he now lives abroad in Germany as a newlywed with his wife, attending college, learning to speak German from multiple places, and taking shifts at a factory. Now being that it’s his life and if he planned it to go that way is not my concern, but in a way he began his American Dream with an American childhood, well his dream was to be married and be successful and he is married and even though now he not the president of the united states and a teacher he is responsible for students' education and it seems like what he is doing is successful.

Now in comparison to generation, childhood his generation could have benefited from having Google to look anyone or anything that they didn’t know and could learn about them or it, but with his generation it’s still the stereotypical American childhood that will lead to the American dream because not just his generation had more freedom but he still had a smart head on his shoulder.


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